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Roman Price commented:

Karen great profile picture

Gobi Be +ve V commented:

Hello karen abayon, how are you? . Nice to see you in lifepulp.Can you please add me in your list? See you soon .Have a great day!

Michael Olaoye commented:

"Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it."-Confucius

Michael Olaoye commented:

"Happiness depends on ourselves."-Aristotle

Michelle Middleton commented:

Faith consists in believing when it is beyond the power of reason to believe. It is not enough that a thing be possible for it to be believed.
- Voltaire

Marina V commented:

TANKS for subscribing me

Karen Abayon commented (on 2011-04-07):You're welcome:)
Last Reply: 2011-04-07
Total Replies: 1
Michael Olaoye commented:

"If you're not a part of a process you'll slow its progress." -Anonymos

Karen Abayon commented (on 2011-04-07):Thanks for the Quotation:).
Last Reply: 2011-04-07
Total Replies: 1
Michelle Middleton commented:

Beauty is not so much what you see as what you dream.
- Walloon Proverb

Karen Abayon commented (on 2011-04-07):Nice quotation^^thanks
Last Reply: 2011-04-07
Total Replies: 1
Gemaima Abayon commented:

welcome sis..

Michael Olaoye commented (on 2011-04-07):Hi Gemaima, i guess u're doing fine, its good to know that u and ur sister Karen are on lifepulp, i'lld like to add u to be ur friend and i'lld send u my contacts as soon as u accept my invitation. Have a magnificient day! Bye!
Last Reply: 2011-04-07
Total Replies: 1
Jakub S commented:

Thanks for subscribing, great posts today

Karen Abayon commented (on 2011-04-07):thanks:)
Last Reply: 2011-04-07
Total Replies: 1
Melvin Fajardo Veneracion commented:

te subsribe ka naman saken

Karen Abayon commented (on 2011-04-07):ok na..hehe^^
Last Reply: 2011-04-07
Total Replies: 1
Gemaima Abayon commented:

nice to see you here my sister....

Roman Price commented:

Great having you here with us at LifePulp :)

Karen Abayon commented (on 2011-04-05):Oh..thank you :)
Roman Price commented (on 2011-04-05):@RomanPrice (just followed you on twitter)
Last Reply: 2011-04-05
Total Replies: 2
Karen Abayon commented:


Jakub S commented (on 2011-04-04):Great photo and quote. If you want you can share it with the community in the Post Now section
Gemaima Abayon commented (on 2011-04-05):i agree to jakub...sis karen try to post that in community...
Last Reply: 2011-04-05
Total Replies: 2
Karen Abayon commented:

‎"Never tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do and they will surprise you with their ingenuity."
-George Patton

Karen Abayon

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I just connected my Facebook with LifePulp; as a bonus I got this status feature on my profile.


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