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Gobi Be +ve V commented:

Hello carla larranaga, how are you? .Nice picture . Good to see you in lifepulp.Can you please add me in your list? See you soon .Have a great day!

Melvin Fajardo Veneracion commented:

kindly subscribe in my account thank you! oh! great profile picture.

Roman Price commented:

Carla great profile picture, pleasure having you here at LifePulp.

Your friend,

Gemaima Abayon commented:

hi...kindly subscribe me...thank you pretty carla..

Marina V commented:

Amazing profile Good change

Marina V commented:


Melvin Fajardo Veneracion commented:

subscribe in my account thank you.... love your post

Gemaima Abayon commented:

put...info...i am enjoying reading your post today...

Marina V commented:

I am really enjoying by reading yours post thanks

Jakub S commented:

In all honesty, those are some great posts with pictures you put up.

Carla Larranaga commented (on 2011-04-06):I am getting good at it... lol
Last Reply: 2011-04-06
Total Replies: 1
Jakub S commented:

It is nice of you to join the site, what do you think so far?

Carla Larranaga commented (on 2011-04-05):I really like it, I like what a lot of people post in here - u should next have a phone app. Also how about having the application on fb connected to ur facebook contacts so that u can invite them to join here.
Jakub S commented (on 2011-04-05):That is a brilliant idea (regarding FB). I don't know if it is possible from a programming point of view as FB might not give you that level of access, but I will look into it. We have thought about a phone app and are talking about it, but have a few more features we want to program in first for the website before we start working on a phone app. When I say we want to program in first, I don't actually do the programming, but I direct. And that is a tough job as well
Last Reply: 2011-04-05
Total Replies: 2
Carla Larranaga commented:

"sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together"

Carla Larranaga

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follow your inner guidance... it will take you to the right places at the right times


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