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vicky joseph commented:

Hi i am Vicky Joseph

.i saw your profile and i read it and after reading i pick interest on it i will like you to write me back on this emails id ([email protected]) because i have something very important to tell you Thanks

Yours Vicky Joseph

spyrose ƸӜƷ commented:

HoW aRe yoU my FRienD?

ZAMATU JIVIR commented:

only those who see the invisible can do the impossible

Roman Price commented (on 2011-08-04):Zamatu great profile post my friend. Feel free to post it in the community through the 'Post Now' button.
ZAMATU JIVIR commented (on 2011-08-09):thanks for the cimplement Roman. good day
Roman Price commented (on 2011-08-15):Good day to you too dear friend.
Last Reply: 2011-08-15
Total Replies: 3
Melvin Fajardo Veneracion commented:

kindly subscribe in me .. thank you.. god bless..:) please

ZAMATU JIVIR commented (on 2011-07-15):hey Melvin, i will for friendship they say say is life
Last Reply: 2011-07-15
Total Replies: 1
ZAMATU JIVIR commented:

if you fail to lead, be ready to be led

Marina V commented (on 2011-04-22):Very Nice
Last Reply: 2011-04-22
Total Replies: 1
ZAMATU JIVIR commented:

guys,in life, nobody born of a woman can do for you more better than you can do for yourself. they can only complement when you are willing to welcome it. remain bless

Marina V commented:


ZAMATU JIVIR commented (on 2011-08-03):welcome Marina
Last Reply: 2011-08-03
Total Replies: 1
ZAMATU JIVIR commented:

A character of an elderly person is exhibited when he maintains his previous words

Marina V commented (on 2011-04-15):GREAT
Last Reply: 2011-04-15
Total Replies: 1
Melvin Fajardo Veneracion commented:

kindly subscribe in my account

ZAMATU JIVIR commented (on 2011-04-14):ok will do that
Last Reply: 2011-04-14
Total Replies: 1
ZAMATU JIVIR commented:

happiness is not what happens to a man but what a man does with happens to him.there fore share with everybody your joy and daily experiences.

ZAMATU JIVIR commented:

do not measure a tree by the length of it shadow. that means a man's character should not be determined from his physical appearance.

Marina V commented (on 2011-04-13):Agreed
Last Reply: 2011-04-13
Total Replies: 1


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