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Gobi Be +ve V commented:

Good .Thank you collins.Have a great day!

collins Given commented:

money is not evil but the way u handle it

collins Given commented (on 2011-06-06):the way u handle it in your mind, seek fo it makes it root of all evil
Roman Price commented (on 2011-06-06):Collins thanks for sharing this with us @ LifePulp :)
Last Reply: 2011-06-06
Total Replies: 2
Melvin Fajardo Veneracion commented:

hi collins! nice to see you here! you are in the rite site. because you can read the most inspirational quotes/images/videos/sayings here in LIFEPULP.have a nice day my dear friend. keep inspiring .^_^ subscribe me please ^_^ hahahaha.. thank you! god bless......... :)

collins Given commented (on 2011-06-06):THX BRO"principles does not work unless u work the principles''
Last Reply: 2011-06-06
Total Replies: 1
spyrose ƸӜƷ commented:

hi collins, thanks for subscribing me :) Be blessed!

collins Given commented (on 2011-06-06):we recieve it all... '' anyway how old are u and is this ur rear pic''
spyrose ƸӜƷ commented (on 2011-06-07):no collins its not really me! am 36 now and thanks God!
Last Reply: 2011-06-07
Total Replies: 2
JOY to the world commented:

Thanks my dear brother for subscribing.

collins Given commented (on 2011-06-06):u welcome my dear friend
Last Reply: 2011-06-06
Total Replies: 1
JOY to the world commented:

You're welcome my brother Collin. Take care and may God bless you always.

collins Given commented (on 2011-06-06):and u too
Last Reply: 2011-06-06
Total Replies: 1
shy citiclub commented:

thanks collins,GBU

collins Given commented (on 2011-06-06):u welcome great friend
Last Reply: 2011-06-06
Total Replies: 1
Marina V commented:


Marina V commented:

Hi Haw are you? Nice to see you here WELCOME

collins Given commented (on 2011-06-06):happy to hear frm u too
Last Reply: 2011-06-06
Total Replies: 1
collins Given commented:

Your protection is a key thing in your life
Greatest Protection is from God the Maker and Creator
He New You even in the womb of your mother
Like the Lamb been protect By Lion
The Bible said he is Lion of Tibe of Juda
The one who is, is to come.
Under HIm is A mighty shield.
Fear not have faith in Him .
For he still protect you .
Stay bless .... (Friendly love )

Jakub S commented (on 2011-04-16):Great photo
collins Given commented (on 2011-04-25):thx
Last Reply: 2011-04-25
Total Replies: 2

collins Given

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