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MANUEL TRESLE commented:


Roman Price commented:

Hey Linnet, I saw you post a 'question' in the community about the cause of an illness if IM not mistaken.

IM sorry but the post was removed from the community as we only allow positive inspirations to be posted.

I wish I can help better answer your question, the truth is I have very little knowledge on the answer you're looking for. Maybe try researching it online? Wish I could help more, sorry.

Roman Price sent a gift:

Linnet thanks for being a part of LifePulp, your presence here is always welcome :)

linnet maina commented (on 2011-11-25):

thanx Roman, you make me feel special i appreciate
Roman Price commented (on 2011-11-29):Happy to hear that :)
Last Reply: 2011-11-29
Total Replies: 2
Michelle Middleton commented:


linnet maina commented (on 2011-06-09):hello dear i been quite busy with work that i hardly have time to chart but hi, lam back now and i hope to be more act6ive than ever. otherwise i hope you are good. missed you all so much
Last Reply: 2011-06-09
Total Replies: 1
spyrose ƸӜƷ commented:

welcome here my new friend,... and thanks for the comment on my post :)

God bless :)

linnet maina commented (on 2011-06-09):hello spyrose how have you been? i have been quite busy that i hardly have tym to chart, but hi friend i really miss intelligent and wise posts seriously.
Last Reply: 2011-06-09
Total Replies: 1
sreya bhaumik commented:

thanks for the comment on my posts. and i totally agree with on that.

linnet maina commented (on 2011-06-09):thanks dear,how are u doin?
Last Reply: 2011-06-09
Total Replies: 1
Maria Teresa Nieto commented:

thanx a lot for your awesome comment..God bless you dear:) ♥

linnet maina commented (on 2011-06-09):God bless you to my dia.otherwise how are you doin? i have been busy with work but lam back now hope to see your wise comments more and more
Last Reply: 2011-06-09
Total Replies: 1

linnet maina

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