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Kinyua Douglas commented:


gelmae facturan commented:

my pleasure!!
add me in my fb account
thank you

Roman Price sent a gift:

Kinyua hope you have a great week to come.

Roman Price sent a gift:

Kinyua, LifePulp is verifying ALL profiles. It's quick and super easy.

Sometime soon, if not already you will see a rectangle at the top of your screen. Please follow the quick 1 step verification process. It will only take a minute.

This will help us a great deal in future upgrades for new and exciting features. Thank you so much.

universall empire commented:

Hey Kinyua, how u been bro?

Kinyua Douglas commented (on 2011-12-06):HI EMPIRER? sorry that for all this time i have not been able to at least speak a word with you, i hope this is not a precarious predicament. sure enough is that all this time i had been to Nakuru, a part in the one great kenyan province, otherwise are you fine?
Last Reply: 2011-12-06
Total Replies: 1
Durai Raju commented:

Sets u free…
Makes u special…
Increases ur face value…
Lifts up ur spirits…
Erases all ur tensions…
So please keep smiling.

Achi Z commented:

have a great evening to you kinyua..

Kinyua Douglas commented (on 2011-10-27):
Kinyua Douglas commented (on 2011-10-27):excellent evening too, and i will for for the nice night
Last Reply: 2011-10-27
Total Replies: 2
Roman Price commented:

Hey Kinyua, I had to delete a number of your posts in the community.

Personal MSG's like 'thanks for reading my posts' are meant for your profile here :) the 'Post Now' button is only for inspirational quotes, pictures and video's.

Feel free to post your wonderful personal msg's to the community here on your profile, and your wonderful inspirations in the community through the post now button :)

Thanks for understanding dear friend.

Your friend always,

Kinyua Douglas commented (on 2011-10-27):Good morning Roman, thankyou and i readily accept the correction
Roman Price commented (on 2011-10-27):Hey Kinyua, its no big deal. Dont worry. I just feel bad everytime I have to delete something.

Anytime you wanna wish LifePulp a goodnight or goodmorning, ask for some prayers do so :) If its here on your personal profile nobody will delete it and people will come across it :)
Kinyua Douglas commented (on 2011-10-27):thanks roman
Last Reply: 2011-10-27
Total Replies: 4 (1 more)
mercy ayyagari commented:

Hai thanks for subscribe.....

Kinyua Douglas commented (on 2011-10-26):YOU ARE MUCH WELCOMED MERCY
Last Reply: 2011-10-26
Total Replies: 1
JOY to the world commented:

Thanks for those inspiring thoughts Kinyua. Keep inspiring and have a great day. God bless you.

Kinyua Douglas commented (on 2011-10-26):
good morning mary and thank you for the nice time
Last Reply: 2011-10-26
Total Replies: 1
Achi Z commented:

here's an angel for you to guide you while you sleep...:)

universall empire commented:

Hey man, so what's it like in Kenya? What are your favorite sports? What are your native sports? What do you believe will help the children in your country the most? I know it's a lot of questions, but I am curious and would like to know more about Kenya. I look forward to your reply, keep up the good work Kinyua, 1 love and God Bless.

Kinyua Douglas commented (on 2011-10-25):well, Empire, for sure Kenya is quiet interesting but with very strong politics, people live a life of improving their standards but the majority are the ones who live below the poverty line. here in kenya we are enjoying the rains and the crops flourishing well, we have 42 tribe but i just know my mother tongue "kimeru", english and swahili. Am not fun of many games but i like Batumi, our traditional game, i wish i attached a layout of it, i like jokes, well Empire there is a lot but upon all i like embracing new technology and wishing to study one of related computer engineering. am still a student waiting to join university next year, but currently teaching a secondary school. sorry but you could give me more of your information like, country, email address so that i can share with you more, and others. send me my email is kndgls712@gmail.com or kinyuakithinji@yahoo.com hope to hear you soon.
universall empire commented (on 2011-10-25):I'm so glad that your using the knowledge that you've previously gained and teaching it to the children. I have no doubt that you will make a great computer engineer, as long as you keep yourself motivated anything is possible. Are you Muslim by chance? Most people that I have met from Africa have been Muslims, that's why I ask. I'm also a Muslim. You will be a great asset for anyone's company in the future. People like you are what raise the standards, and trust me that's a good thing. Plz send an attachment so i can see what Batumi is like. or if you can describe it that will be nice. is it similar to any other sports? What are the main political issues at the moment? How do you feel about it? I'm impressed first off and glad that you have internet access, and also how well you type the English language. It is the hardest to learn when you already speak another language. I was born in Trinidad and Tobago, moved to England for about 3 years, then my family moved to Maryland, USA. I went to high school in D.C. and University in New York. One called St. John's. I have returned to Trinidad importing things such as laptops, digital cameras, etc. Reason being, when I visited a few years back i noticed how much the stores were overcharging the people for the product. It bothered me, because these people work so hard for their money, and then to be ripped off just didn't seem like justice was being done. I've had my business open for 3 years now, and i'm glad to say that it's still growing slowly but surely. In business remember this, give them a great product for a reasonable price. Yes you will be making less money per sale than you potentially can, however...you will sell more products so much faster due to the better price. Both the customer and yourself will come out better. When you say that you like new technology, do you mean computers or as in creating your own, such as inventions? We are in the technological age, some of these cell phones have so many features it's amazing. It's both good and bad because it's a distraction to an extent. Personally i don't think that having everything done with the push of a button is a wise idea. After a while mankind will become dependent of that "button" and will no longer have to leave our beds....do you understand what i mean? People will not be as healthy because they will not get enough exercise. The children will grow up not knowing what it's like to go out and have fun, they'll be spending most of their time chatting on sites like fb and twitter, and whatever else they have out there. That's one of the main reason i like this site so much. It's positive. Just take a look at the convo we're having right now, and it proves my point. I'm a little random sometimes so my questions might jump around from time to time. What do you call the currency in Kenya? When i was younger i used to collect coins. When you say that you have 42 tribes, is that the same as saying you have 42 villages? or 42 large families? Please understand that i only want to learn more about your culture. I have never been to Africa yet, but it has been something i've wanted to do since i was 15. What type of technology would benefit the children in your country the most? Do you think laptops would help out more, or cell phones? I do not have the money at the moment to send any over there yet, but i can try to put certain ideas into action. How are the roads? Is transportation ok? the reason i ask is because once you give the people a better way to communicate, business will do very well, and it will also improve the standard of living. What are your traditional foods? haha, i know this was a long one, so i'm gonna go now before any more random questions pop into my head. Talk to you later bro, be safe. 1 people 1 love.
Kinyua Douglas commented (on 2011-10-26):
Amazing day Empire, its sunny now . sorry i dint reply to you yesterday because i usually depend on school internet that i just access it only when am school teaching and i usually go home, well in Kenya we use KSh for "kenya shilling". right now we are experiencing inflation and now 1ksh is rated to 107$. well i dont prefer internet to youths because some of the sites are demoralising and to me i prefer to them to be eliminated like any other poisonous venom. sure enough is that laptops in our country are too expensive. for me i need to purchase a new one but they are too costly for me. sure enough i have some other accounts like twitter and facebook but i recently not visit them since i discovered pulp. do you have such accounts? in technology i just embrace computers like the system, programs and softwares, now our politics are not so pulp impressing because they cause alarm to both the layman group and the noble ones. we are preparing for next year general election, 2007 we experienced political violence and many refugees camp were created most lost there property and several lost their lives. having 42 tribe means having 42 complete different languages, what about your country? sorry that am not a muslim but a christian because i was born in a christian family but for myself and our country i never discriminate religion and i take them being my best brothers and sisters, in our country we have an act securing and accommodating all religions, and we leave peacefully with them. what makes me happy is that you are a muslim and i hope you know arabic a language which i ever wish to learn and you can be of great help to me. our roads are good mostly on urban areas. together bro, how is your country, your currency your family members languages and political organizations. in our family i stay with my mum, my dad passed 4years ago, never to worry because life is now resuming shape again, am the last born, elder sister in last year at the University degree in education and second born is my bro. how is your education system, bro in kenya its so hard to pursue anything, its like a celebration to pass 12th grade and universities are too expensive, ouch too costly for me am wishing i will get enough to get me through from next year. nice day bro
Last Reply: 2011-10-29
Total Replies: 4 (1 more)
Kinyua Douglas commented:

Darusu, good morning! most kids will probably lie not of doing something you can see directly, but we have to forgive them always because they are like little moles. Have a nice day and much love Darusu!

Maria Teresa Nieto commented (on 2011-10-25):I agree dear friend. :) ♥
Kinyua Douglas commented (on 2011-10-25):Great Maria that what mostly happens here in Kenya
Last Reply: 2011-10-25
Total Replies: 2
Achi Z commented:

enjoy your day kinyua! :)

Maria Teresa Nieto commented:

Thank you Kinyua..A blessed night to you :) + ♥

universall empire commented:

Hey man, take a look at the rest of my posts and subscribe if you like. Based on the quote you have under your "info" you will enjoy browsing through those. Be safe, and I hope to hear from you in the future.

Achi Z commented:

hello kinyua...just dropping by to say have a peaceful night to you...God bless you my friend..

Kinyua Douglas commented (on 2011-10-24):
God bless you too friend, i enjoy every moment we spend together sharing thank you a lot. have a nice day knowing that every day is a gift from God.
Last Reply: 2011-10-24
Total Replies: 1
spyrose ƸӜƷ commented:

thanks for subscribing Kinyua :)

have a great day friend!

Kinyua Douglas commented (on 2011-10-24):thank you spy, always friend will be there for you and not be there for something, nice time too
Last Reply: 2011-10-24
Total Replies: 1
Kinyua Douglas commented:

so wise to a man to die by the word and not by the sword and too foolish for a man to die with a sword and not by the action and too worse for a man to die with the action but not to accomplish the mission

Kinyua Douglas commented:

love is a miracle, sweet as can be, that will always remain a complete mystery.for though it's something that's centuries old, it can not be purchased for silver or gold.but instead must be given of one's own free will,and received with no promises it must fulfill.

universall empire commented (on 2011-10-24):That's a great one, it's so true. It proves just how priceless love is.
Kinyua Douglas commented (on 2011-10-25):feels the dream and can make illusion of dreams, thanks Universe
Last Reply: 2011-10-25
Total Replies: 2
Roman Price commented:

Kinyua thanks for joining LifePulp, pleasure having you here with us as a part of our ever growing LifePulp family.

Your friend,

Kinyua Douglas commented:

joy comes after every pint and mimic of a cry of a sojourner

Kinyua Douglas commented:

luvely are you all my interested fine ladies.....mhhhhh baibe gals

Kinyua Douglas commented:

i luv the cos she pridely luvs thee in the luv sit en luv quote

Kinyua Douglas

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