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Roman Price commented:

On another note, I think what your doing is great! If you are that passionate about inspiring others please do so! You can post links to pulplife here on YOUR PERSONAL PROFILE. Feel free to ADD it to the info section of your profile space as well.

Your personal LifePulp profile is yours and here do as you please dear friend :)

Roman Price commented:

Hey Sultan. Thanks for ALL the wonderful inspiration you have given us.

Please Note: LifePulp does not allow any outside links in the community using the 'Post Now' button. As a result I had to delete all posts with a outside link to pluplife (in the post now form it says this will happen as well as the LifePulp terms of use).

We do this to insure LifePulp is inspiration based only :)

Just wanted to stop by and tell you why your wonderful inspirations were deleted.

I hope you understand and know that I value you everything you are doing.

spyrose ƸӜƷ commented:

Each day provides its own gift.
Have a Great Day!

Thank you for pulping my friend :)

JOY to the world commented:

Thanks for reading my posts Ahmad.

JOY to the world commented:

Thanks for reading my posts Ahmad.

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sultan ahmad soomro

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I just connected my Facebook with LifePulp; as a bonus I got this status feature on my profile.


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