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Raji Olabisi commented:

Why can't people just leave their lives as simple as every normal human being, instead they waste most of their time thinking abaut the achievement of others. Why can't the normal people think deep enough to see if there exist a way out. The fact that we all are human i suppose is enough to make us think as one, to make us think of a better way out of the current world situation.The entire citizens of any nation always have the believe that the government is responsible for our predicaments, but rather we are the actual cause of the problems we are or may be facing right now.
This is just a little reminder to all that we can either die and be remembered or forge ahead in this ignorance. We can make our community, our nation and the world a better place by only being a better person to the outside world. PLEASE THINK!!!

Raji Olabisi commented:

What could it be? The only thing people of all flaws share, the only thing people of the world share, the only thing all people wants. What could it be. It is love and its existance in the world. To be continued...

Raji Olabisi commented:

You should Know about people and never to let them know about you before you do. One way in life could be so dangerous. To be continued....

Raji Olabisi commented:

Life is too short for hatred, too lively for enmity, too wide to hide from and most of all too dynamic to predict. However, the most generally acceptable fact is DESTINY and DEATH.

Roman Price commented (on 2011-06-15):Raji thanks for sharing this with us here at LifePulp
Last Reply: 2011-06-15
Total Replies: 1
Raji Olabisi commented:

One of the most frustrating experience is the conflict in one's head and heart.

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Raji Olabisi

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Life is just like a two way door, you go in through the first and out through the other.


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