anu m

Inspirations Created
Recent Inspirations
- The ultimate test of a relationship is to disagree but to hold hands.
- Respect your efforts, respect yourself. Self-respect leads to...
- The best helping hand that you will ever receive is the one at the...
- Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a...
- Wherever you go, no matter what the weather is, always bring your...
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Anu, were verafying ALL LifePulp profiles to flush the spammers out.
Sometime soon if not already @ the top of your screen you'll see simple instructions. Please take a minute of your time to follow them. I can't thank you enough for your patience and thanks for being so understanding.
It means the world to me and everyone here.
Hello how are you? Have a great weekend!
just dropped by :)
hope you're fine Anu and everything's well!
hi anu! how are you my sweet friend...i hope you are just fine....i miss you so much...especially your inspiring posts....
for a dear friend like u!
im waiting your nice posts anu!
miss yah! take care always!
Hai Anu h r u?
Friends never cease to be friends because they're apart. Distance don't separate them because they remain in the heart. Stay happy my dear friend, Anu. Take care and God bless you always.
I hope to see you soon dear Anu. I just want to read your post again.
Hi, thanx to all my lovely friendz, specially Spyrose, Joy, Effendy, Darusu, Honey, Arman, Roman, Pia, Gelay, Anglena, Gobi and others...I am slightly busy these days...Will come back soon n upload my new posts...Till than Bye...Miss you all, n love u all. GOD BLESS
God bless u more... mwaaah!
Hi, thanx to all my lovely friendz, specially Spyrose, Joy, Effendy, Darusu, Honey, Arman, Roman, Pia, Gelay, Anglena, Gobi and others...I am slightly busy these days...Will come back soon n upload my new posts...Till than Bye...Miss you all, n love u all. GOD BLESS
Hi my good friend Anu. Wishing you a great weekend. Have a rest on this bench contemplating the beauty of nature.
how are u my friend???
Friends are like the walls of a house. Sometimes they hold you up, sometimes you lean on them. But sometimes, it's enough to know they're just standing by.
be blessed and keep safe friend:)
Good Morning ANU...Have a Great Day ahead... :-)) God bless
Sometimes we think
Why friends keep forwarding messages
Without speaking words.
Reason is that ,
Daily they have nothing to say
But still want to keep in touch.
Hello Anu M, you have got a lovely smiling face n very nice profile picture. Nice to meet you. I Thank you for subscribing me. Keep inspiring n keep visiting my profile and posts. God Bless You, Thanks n TC
Good posts and nice pics today. Have a great week ahead. Take care always and God bless you friend. Here's a cake for you Anu...
hi anu m ,
ow are u doing in which i hope all is well with u and ur family too. like u comment and hope we can be friends too.
Hello Anu, good to see you finally! Great profile picture you got there. Thanks for all the pulps and for being sweet. God Bless and have a nice day!
Oky Darusu n Spyrose, m changing profile only for u...Any thing for my dear friendz.....:-))
Bt this will be for couple of days
im happy to see your picture my dear nice of you :)
thank you - thank you my friend.
mOre blessings and peace in us all!
...take care!
I respect and appreciate the way u care Darusu... U r a very humble n very sweet human being.....Just keep on spreading ur sweetness to everyone who comes in ur contact, be it in ur real life or in our virtual family/world at Lifepulp.....
have a great day to my sweet friend Anu :)
good morning to my sweet are you today? i really appreciate all your comments and for liking my posts...pls..stay sweet as you are and hope i can see your face...:)
You're welcome Anu. I hope you've got a great and fun Thursday.
Hai Anu how r u? thank u very much for your encouraging comments and pulping my posts, God bless u.........
Forget-me-nots remind us that God and dear friends never forget us. Have a nice day friend.
Just wanted to share a special fact with you. Go to
Scroll down till you see your post that I shared. You will see something like 59 'Likes'. To date, since we started the page the record per post in 'Likes' was 58. Your inspirational post broke that record and set a new one :)
Thank u Anu for your encouraging words..........
Hi sweet anu..just drop by to say good night to you..sweet dreams..mwuah!
A warm hug to, tc n God bless
Hai Anu how are you?
thank you for pulping my post! God bless you! :))
you mOre
my frienD:)
Thanks Anu and keep going. Have a blessed day!
Have a great day ahead...
Thank you anu
Hai Anu thanks for your encouraging comment, have a nicetime.......
Hello my friend, am new to lifepulp.Wish to know about you more.Add me as a friend. please tell me about yourself.
I maybe cracked but a good friend like you always takes me as a good egg. Thanks Anu. Enjoy your weekend and God bless you.
...and im blessed too!
thanks for bein' there :)
Regards, tc
Hai, gudmrng
"There is no such thing in anyone's life
as an unimportant day."
Alexander Woollcott
Thank you so much for the great posts.
Great posts today Anu. So full of wisdom. Keep inspiring. Thanks.
Dear Anu. Thank you for the great posts. :))
thank you anu for posting inspiring messages...God bless you always...:)
Keep shining my friend and reach for your dreams. Take care always.
Thanks for the great posts dear.
Thank you anu
thanks Anu for pulping my post..God bless
You're welcome Anu. Life may not be easy as you know but with God around it's great living it. Keep going and stay happy. God bless you always.
have a blessed weekend Anu :)
Hi Anu, I´m doing fine, how are you doing? You´re very welcome, You have some really great post, that´s why I keep pulping your post. Bless you, my friend. :))
Keep writing and share the treasures of your mind and heart. Thanks and keep going. You are meant to be a ship, sailing and exploring the vast seas of life, aside from being a lighthouse.
this for you my friend :)
I am looking forward to your posts each day Anu. They're very enlightening and they're good food for the mind and the soul. Thanks a lot.
You're posts Anu, are simply moving and inspiring. Really great. Keep posting, and inspiring.
Hi friendly Any Mat. It was just One post. Bless You dear. Do you know how Much. My feelings tells me that God Bless You soo sooo sooooo Much. Thank You so Much God. Take care My Friend. Yours sincerely, Effendy.
thanx for your God bless
I just want to say Hi my Friend. You're really friendly. I just notice it on your spontaneous comments everywhere. Keep going like that dear. God Bless you soo much. Yours sincerely, Effendy.
thanq for pulping da
hi Anu,... thanks for pulping my posts dear! Stay happy :)) take care
thanq for pulping
done my dear friend gelay...keep in
thanks for the invite would be great also if you do the same for =)
Yes you are correct anu mat.Thank you anu for your valuable comments.
Gobi . Have a great day! See you soon.
thanks for the friendship anu.... be safe :)
I have become rich with your friendship ..Thanx n be in touch...
Thank you anu for your inspiring comments
hi anu mat your always welcome and god bless you also..gudnite :-)
hi anu good evening..good to hear from u...
gud eve anu mat thank you for your wonderful comment.. stay happy and godbless.... :-)
hi lifepulper! nice to see you here! you are in the rite site. because you can read the most inspirational quotes/images/videos/sayings here in LIFEPULP.have a nice day my dear friend. keep inspiring .^_^ subscribe me please ^_^ hahahaha.. thank you! god bless......... :)
Thank you anu for your valuable commnts.
hi anu mat tnx 4 pulping my post...have a great day :-)
Reading your post makes me smile and at the same time think and reflect on them. Great Anu, keep inspiring with us all here in life pulp.
i already did:)) godbless u:))
Thanx Joy.... for subscribing and for your pulping... so nice of you... warm regards :-)))
thanx for your wishes and for subscribing, Honey Sweetie... regards :-)))
thanx for your wishes and for subscribing, Honey Sweetie... regards :-)))
Thank you for the subscribe Anu. God Bless!
Thanks for subscribing Anu.
Hi anu mat, nice to see you in lifepulp.Can you please add me in your list? Have a great day. See you soon.Thank you.
thank you for subscribing mat :)