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Roman Price commented:

Thanks for the tweet. Yes I have noticed and IM working on solutions. Its an uphill battle because LifePulp is so open comunnication wise but IM looking into ways of putting an end to it.

Jas Randal commented (on 2011-11-02):I'm sure it's a challenge. Hang in there!
Roman Price commented (on 2011-11-02):For sure. Thanks for the heads up. If you ever come across it and can post a link on my profile to the page of the spam I can delete the user and all comments asap.

IM also thinking of adding a 'report as spam' button on all comments. So I can get a quick heads up. What are your thoughts on this?
Jas Randal commented (on 2011-11-02):The button would be great. Makes it easy for users to identify spammers to you. We're all lazy (or busy) and don't take the time to do things properly. The easier it is, the more likely to happen.
Last Reply: 2011-11-04
Total Replies: 9 (6 more)
Melvin Fajardo Veneracion commented:

thanks for joining here in lifepulp. I'm sure you enjoy here.. have a nice day

linda esther commented:

Hello how are you

Dubbed Fresh commented:

Jas great posts here on LifePulp

Jas Randal commented (on 2011-03-24):Thanks, that's very kind of you.
Last Reply: 2011-03-24
Total Replies: 1
Jas Randal commented:

Thanks, Roman, you've got a great proposal here, for motivation and inspiration.

Roman Price commented:

Had a chance to check out your website, your quest is noble and great job.

Roman Price commented:

thanks for joining us here at LifePulp.com :)