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Roman Price posted:

If you push someone away from risk (taking a chance) you ultimately are pushing them towards failure.

For risks are meant to be embraced, if one fails priceless wisdom is gained. If theres no wisdom to be gained one might succeed.

Sounds like a win win to me, I have taken risks my entire life and have learned playing it safe is the biggest risk of all because the best possible outcome is a mediocre one.

Views: 304
Comments: 7
Posted: Apr 11, 2011
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Melvin Fajardo Veneracion commented:

i love it

maryrose veneracion commented:

i like it!

Inn B commented:

I like it...If we have never taken any risk in life, that means we have done nothing in life. What's the use of living?

anuforo c francis commented:

thats true

Stephanie Reid commented:

Love it! Absolutely love it!

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