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Melvin Fajardo Veneracion posted:

" Never say I love you, if you don't really care...never talk about feelings, if they aren't really there...never touch a life, if you mean to break a heart...never say you're going to, if you don't plan to start...never look me in they eye, when all you do is lie...never say hello, if you really mean good-bye."

Views: 218
Comments: 5
Posted: Apr 12, 2011
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Ann Shalom commented:

Pretending causes others pain.....

JOY to the world commented:

Good..that's wisdom Melvin.

Pia J commented:

Wauw love this one. :)

Marina V commented:


mpho mafereka commented:

hi Melvin!Yah thats right pretending is not good.


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