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agama joel posted:

" I'm not asking God to take away my pain, I ask Him to give me strength to feel it. I'm not asking God to take away my problems, I ask Him to give me wisdom to solve it. I'm not asking God to give me a healthy life, I ask Him to teach me to take care of it. I'm not asking God to give me a wealthy life, I ask Him to teach me to earn it. If God put brains in my head, puts a heart in my chest, then He wants me to use it wisely. God is not a magic power. He is the POWER. His power is far beyond any magic that humans can ever think of."

Views: 52
Comments: 3
Posted: May 4, 2011
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ANDREA KORIR commented:



sir just now i read all ur msg.Really awesome and inspiring us thank u...do remember in ur prayers.


ya really friend thank u for sharing..........


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