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jeanxskie cpb posted:

i have my first boyfriend but he left me because of cristina, cristina inspire my boyfriend to her friendship that's why my boyfriend left me.
but i have a new one my second boyfriend, when i have him most of boys loves me. that's why my first boyfriend left cristina and wanting to come back me to love me again, but i never never never never never more more more never forgive him, because the first i been experience too much hurt is from my first boyfriend. but he'll never stop waiting if i will not forgive him. just my love life now on my second boyfriend is totally great, sweet, and true love each other than my first boyfriend. and my second boyfriend love me than he love his first and second girlfriend, because i do what the boys want to just not the dirty minded. and what are his feelings to me that's are my feelings too to him. but the truth is the first boy who wants to be my boyfriend is now my second boyfriend but i did not do it cos' i did to be my first boyfriend is noon my first boyfriend. but past is past it wont back so what i have i take it and where am i now i do it what it could be makes happy and comfortable, just for the relationship/communication to the right who are those people/person so that's why no enemy no bad feelings.

Views: 76
Comments: 1
Posted: May 11, 2011
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☆Effendy Karto☆ commented:

That's a great story. Please keep loving each other. You are blessed. Yours sincerely, Effendy.


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