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eunice l posted:

Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see. .

Views: 786
Comments: 11
Posted: Jun 26, 2011
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Marina V commented:


steve evets commented:

thats true

abba rowland ikechi commented:

Yes with kind we love each other and care for meaning

eunice l commented:

thanks delali

eunice l commented:

marGEZI,EVElyn,GOBi VE,Adeoye,ANu mAT thank you so much my friends

margezi Ismail commented:

thats a gud post mai friend keep waking us up

evelyn birabi commented:

if our dream to come true we must pursue it.

Gobi Be +ve V commented:

Great Thought for the day eunice.keep motivating .Thank you.

Adeoye Omobola commented:

am touched.......thanks for the reminder

anu m commented:

V True....Keep posting such nice posts Eunice

Delali GADEL commented:

Quite true.


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