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Joanne Engel posted:

Mother Earth speaks

My children!You live in such a fear
On my warm lap,the affable sphere
You slay each other without care
Only all gifts I gave you to share

White snow capped mountain ranges
Blue oceans as far as eye could see
Veils of blossoms sway on meadows
Canopies where songbirds in glee

Spring paints touching images to eyes
Yellow fields of grown maize and rice
Sweet aromas of seasonal ripe fruits
Rivers meander to embrace still creeks

Though you war against land and race
Same red fluid flows along your veins
All faiths pave paths to same heaven
You see the rays of same sun and moon

Beasts empower in vast leafy reigns
Share same puddle for their thirsts
You've no eyes to learn such lessons
No ears to hark their unified chants

Help to stand once somebody falls
Pull the poors out from their hells
Share you heartfelt love among all
Kill your prejudice:march to a goal

Dream! As you all live in one city
Be armed with great weapon of unity
Forget enmity; bring spiritful grace
May you long live the endearing race!

Swarnapali Liyanage

Views: 79
Comments: 0
Posted: Oct 4, 2011
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