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Aurora D posted:

...Life has so many great options but you don't have to always pick what seems to be the best. Just pick whatever makes you really happy and it will be the best...

Views: 1397
Comments: 16
Posted: Oct 12, 2011
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vijender singh commented:

mind thundering

mahesh deshmukh commented:


Jakub S commented:

Great inspiration Aurora, I posted it on the Facebook Fanpage

gena dela cruz commented:

thats very true!!!!!!

bolarinwa aa fad commented:

waooooooo wot a nice quote

herson magday commented:

very nice quote

peace moyo commented:

that's jus the true fact, i love dis


wise talk

tony kitetu commented:

Life is not about how much you make but what you make of it.

Costa Mwilima commented:

good one

sonnie gait commented:


Aurora D commented:

...tnx Nancy...


the goodness of your heart, the mouth speaks...if you're happy, it really shows..nice post Au

Prince GGG commented:


Aurora D commented:

...tnx Maria...

Maria Teresa Nieto commented:

So inspiring..love it :) ♥


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