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Dessa Christian posted:

we shared memories, kisses, exchanged touches that sent electricity throughout my body. he was my crutch when the weight of my burdens held me down. i confided in him. let him in and locked out the rest of the world. got lost in a world of our own, with secrets and smiles only each other would understand. i thought i had him mapped out with each corner and crack memorized. but everyone has their surprises. you acted out every scene in our relationship like it was scripted. you played the part well. i got lost in you. fell for you. feeling the hurt of losing that other half of you is deadly. no matter what magazine, cosmo, or best friend tells you, that pain, the one that goes so far beneath the skin, is something only you yourself can climb out of. one thing you have to keep telling yourself though, "i'd rather know that i'm strong, even if being alone hurts, than know that i'm only strong because of him."

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Posted: Oct 17, 2011
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