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Beryl L posted:

This dog has been the reason behind all my inspirations because he's taught me one of the biggest values in life that No matter how small or fragile you are, you will always be a part of the beauty of the world.

Because of an accident that happened on Friday, Oct. 28, 2011, Bruno is in bad condition. His lower legs have been fractured and some of his lower internal organs have been damaged, thus, not allowing him to pee or poo. My father decided today that he will be put to sleep. Thank you for seeing this as his life will forever be the greatest inspiration in mine as I saw the world on his eyes in his short-lived life. I love you forever Bruno. :')

Views: 87
Comments: 3
Posted: Oct 30, 2011
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JOY to the world commented:

So sad Beryl! I hope your dog gets well. I love dogs so much.

Prince GGG commented:

so sweet of you....like your simplicity

Roman Price commented:

Thanks for sharing this beautiful post with us.


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