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hassan shahbaz posted:

Too many of us live our lives wishing for things that we can't even dream big enough to see ourselves having in our lifetimes. Instead of living with a defeated attitude we must muster up enough courage to declare victory over situations in which we never thought we even had a chance facing. Instead of living life wishing for things to happen, we have to live our lives making things happen.

As cliche as it sounds, nothing really is impossible, and if you are able to dream it, then chances are you are able to achieve it. There will be those who speak against you, and obstacles that rise in your way as big as mountains. In order to get past these barriers to our dreams we have to be willing to only worry about what is in our hearts to do, and to fight as hard as possible in order to accomplish the things that we desire to do in our hearts.

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Posted: Jan 20, 2012
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