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hassan shahbaz posted:

In order to truly let go of a person or a relationship that ended abruptly and unexpectedly in life, we have to realize at some point that feelings change, and memories don't. Over time, usually the separation of two people causes feelings to change between these two, though the two may share very pleasant memories for years, memories by themselves simply aren't enough to keep two souls bound together. In order to keep the flame of a relationship lit, a couple has to be willing to keep lighting the candle.

A pair has to be willing to work hard at making each other happy, and willing to put effort into communicating effectively in their relationship. One thing that is promised at a relationship's end is that there will always be memories for both parties to take with them while parting ways. Through all of the pain and struggle just try hard to remember that feelings sometimes change, but the memories you have are yours for the rest of your lifetime.

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Posted: Jan 24, 2012
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