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hassan shahbaz posted:

Really being an important part in a person's life means a lot of things. When someone really matters to you it is crucial that you are willing to show them just how much they may mean to you by respecting them, honoring them, and never taking them, their time, or their feelings for granted. When you really matter to someone, that person will always be willing to make time for you. That person will never use an excuse to avoid being there for you.

That person will never consider hurting your heart by telling you anything besides the truth, and will never risk losing your trust by breaking a promise that they made to you. Really mattering to someone should never leave a doubt in a person's mind of whether or not you will always be there for the person you matter to. Remember in love that there are never any excuses good enough for not being there; there are never any lies or broken promises that will ever be better than honest words and honest actions.

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Posted: Jan 24, 2012
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