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hassan shahbaz posted:

In life something that we must all pick up on are the indirect cues that are presented to us throughout different scenarios in our lives. Not everything that we see with our own two eyes, may tell us all that we need to know, or think that we may know about a subject.

Too many times as people we are willing to judge a book by its cover, and not to think of things the way that they really might be if we just choose to use our brains a tad bit more in relation to everything that we deal with, including our daily relationships, in life. Deciphering whether or not there may be a little pain behind every "its okay" a small bit of curiosity behind every "I was just wondering" and a little love behind every "I hate you" is solely up to the person that is listening, for it is not valid to only listen because we must try to understand as well.

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Posted: Feb 12, 2012
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