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Tanilla lalala commented:

Happy new year chef XD

Chef Zul Madinil commented:

Feliz Navidad! Feliz Navidad :)

Jakub S commented (on 2011-12-27):Merry X-Mas to you Zul. Hope you New Year is great
Last Reply: 2011-12-27
Total Replies: 1
Roman Price commented:

Zul I wanted your opinion on something. I love the way members post on eachothers walls. We have an open concept here of communication and IM always thinking of ways to improve it.

Here's an idea IM thinking of bringing to life. A LifePulp's gift store. The way it will work is when you post on someones wall you can attach a virtual gift. A icon of some sort designed by my friends around the world (flowers, cool sayings, lifepulp orange, animals and so forth) I was also thinking on special days we can have badges like for EarthDay, holidays and so on.

As a member, what are your thoughts?

Chef Zul Madinil commented (on 2011-10-15)::) Brother.as i said in facebook it will be addition to lifepulp :) and i'm sure with your brilliant creativity,this website will going to be one of the finest and well known in the world wide web :) U must believe it brother :) because it is your great idea.
Roman Price commented (on 2011-10-16):Thanks for the kind words brother
Last Reply: 2011-10-16
Total Replies: 2
JOY to the world commented:

Have a great weekend Zul. May your life be filled with the greatest spices of life: LOVE, PEACE and JOY.

Roman Price commented:

Thanks for logging back on and keeping the great inspirational energy alive with inspirational posts brother.

Chef Zul Madinil commented (on 2011-10-12):always roman :)
Last Reply: 2011-10-12
Total Replies: 1

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Chef Zul Madinil

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Even a clock that does not work is right twice a day.


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