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Tanilla lalala commented:

Happy new year chef XD

Chef Zul Madinil commented:

Feliz Navidad! Feliz Navidad :)

Jakub S commented (on 2011-12-27):Merry X-Mas to you Zul. Hope you New Year is great
Last Reply: 2011-12-27
Total Replies: 1
Roman Price commented:

Zul I wanted your opinion on something. I love the way members post on eachothers walls. We have an open concept here of communication and IM always thinking of ways to improve it.

Here's an idea IM thinking of bringing to life. A LifePulp's gift store. The way it will work is when you post on someones wall you can attach a virtual gift. A icon of some sort designed by my friends around the world (flowers, cool sayings, lifepulp orange, animals and so forth) I was also thinking on special days we can have badges like for EarthDay, holidays and so on.

As a member, what are your thoughts?

Chef Zul Madinil commented (on 2011-10-15)::) Brother.as i said in facebook it will be addition to lifepulp :) and i'm sure with your brilliant creativity,this website will going to be one of the finest and well known in the world wide web :) U must believe it brother :) because it is your great idea.
Roman Price commented (on 2011-10-16):Thanks for the kind words brother
Last Reply: 2011-10-16
Total Replies: 2
JOY to the world commented:

Have a great weekend Zul. May your life be filled with the greatest spices of life: LOVE, PEACE and JOY.

Roman Price commented:

Thanks for logging back on and keeping the great inspirational energy alive with inspirational posts brother.

Chef Zul Madinil commented (on 2011-10-12):always roman :)
Last Reply: 2011-10-12
Total Replies: 1
xen san juan commented:

hi.. hope that you will subscribe me too!

cHuMmY cRiS commented:

hello...please do subscribe me too. thanks

samson samuel commented:


Chef Zul Madinil commented (on 2011-10-14):yes sir?
Last Reply: 2011-10-14
Total Replies: 1
Roman Price commented (on 2011-09-26):Checked out the link, looks like a great show! Cant wait till the version with you is online. When that happens let me know and I'll personally share it with out LifePulp family members.

Great job!
Chef Zul Madinil commented (on 2011-09-27):thanks brother!
Roman Price commented (on 2011-09-27):Always brother.
Last Reply: 2011-09-27
Total Replies: 3
Chef Zul Madinil commented:

tO ALL LIFEPULP MEMBERS:Turn On AXN channel- Muay Thai Challenger 2011: meet me asthe official Chef for the this reality show.

honey sweetie commented (on 2011-09-20):GO for it Chef Zul! Good luck! and God bless you in everything you do.
Last Reply: 2011-09-20
Total Replies: 1
Chef Zul Madinil commented:

jetleg..back from Istanbul!

JOY to the world commented:

Hi Zul. Long time no see here in life pulp. So glad you're back! Keep inspiring.

Chef Zul Madinil commented:

Thanks for your kind words :)

☆Effendy Karto☆ commented:

I've really enjoyed your video. I constantly had to laugh so much and repeat it again and again. At last happiness is laughing at yourself. That's true and you did it to all of us. So take care Friend. Yours sincerely, Effendy.

Chef Zul Madinil commented:

To Roman Price and All of ya lifepulp family :) lots of love...

Atiya Nurain commented (on 2011-05-31):awww ;) ITS CUTE !:DD bahahaha xD what are you guys doing actually =.=
Chef Zul Madinil commented (on 2011-05-31):Presenter for daily show.. this is our casting actually... :) rehearsal.
Roman Price commented (on 2011-05-31):Loved it, great inspirational MSG towards the end :)

Great job Zul!
Last Reply: 2011-06-06
Total Replies: 5 (2 more)
nana yaw nyarko bernard commented:

u right man we need to be grateful

Chef Zul Madinil commented (on 2011-05-29):defintely :)
Last Reply: 2011-05-29
Total Replies: 1
Chef Zul Madinil commented:

Gloria Gloria a Barcelona....Los mejores de Europa!!! Manchester United? try again next year :)

Chef Zul Madinil commented:

lots of love to All of ya!! :)

Roman Price commented (on 2011-05-29):Brother lots of love to you as well :)
Roman Price commented (on 2011-05-29):P.S your friend has a great super man shirt! Huge superman fan
Chef Zul Madinil commented (on 2011-05-29):She is :) and she is super hot too :)_
Last Reply: 2011-05-31
Total Replies: 9 (6 more)
spyrose ƸӜƷ commented:

Thank you for subscribing......<3

Roman Price commented:

Love the shirt!

Chef Zul Madinil commented:

Ahaa Thanks gemaima! my eyes are so tired.

Gemaima Abayon commented (on 2011-05-19):really you must take some rest... :) your always welcome...
Last Reply: 2011-05-19
Total Replies: 1
Gemaima Abayon commented:

nice profile pic...i like the t-sirt ..also great post today.. :)

Roman Price commented:

Zul great post on H.O.P.E!

I featured it in the LifePulp blog www.lifepulp.com/blog?bid=93

Chef Zul Madinil commented (on 2011-05-18):Thanks Brotha :))
Roman Price commented (on 2011-05-18):My pleasure :)
Last Reply: 2011-05-18
Total Replies: 2
Chef Zul Madinil commented:

Thanks :)Maraming salamat sa inyo.

Gemaima Abayon commented (on 2011-05-18):WOW... YOUR WELCOME PO...."WALANG ANUMAN" ZUL..
Last Reply: 2011-05-18
Total Replies: 1
JOY to the world commented:

Only a person of depth could come out with such profound and thought provoking posts. Nice Zul and keep inspiring.

Chef Zul Madinil commented:

Amen :)

Gemaima Abayon commented:

thank you zul..God bless you.. :)

Chef Zul Madinil commented:

mentioned lifepulp.com in my latest Radio interview :) I love Lifepulp.com <3

Roman Price commented (on 2011-05-16):Great to hear and thank you for that from everyone here :)

Much appreciated Zul.
Chef Zul Madinil commented (on 2011-05-16):No problemo my brother,I hope you can work on lifepulp merchandise ;) sell it but free for me :) or maybe buddy price or special discount.
Roman Price commented (on 2011-05-16):LoL one day we will have LifePulp tshirts for sure.

For now were just working on growing the site :)
Last Reply: 2011-05-16
Total Replies: 3
Michelle Middleton commented:

love the T shirt!

Chef Zul Madinil commented (on 2011-05-12):Ohhh just the T-shirt? anyway Thanks :)
Last Reply: 2011-05-12
Total Replies: 1
Chef Zul Madinil commented:

I AM GRATEFUL TO HAVE AMAZING SUBCRIBERS: All of ya.. eyes on my T-Shirt... Thats how you are... Amazing! just the way you are!!

Roman Price commented (on 2011-05-11):Love the profile pic!
Chef Zul Madinil commented (on 2011-05-11):Thanks brotha :)
Roman Price commented (on 2011-05-12):Always brother, you know IM a huge supported of Team Zul :)
Last Reply: 2011-05-13
Total Replies: 5 (2 more)
Atiya Nurain commented:

adeyy ! ABANG is the latest INVINCIBLE MAN WALKING ON EARTH :PP AHAHAHAHAHHAAA XDD *jokingg :PP anyway, THANK YOU SO SO MUCH for the congrats and shout out in Twitter. ohmy. really do appreciate it. God knows how thankful I am for it. God bless you bang ^^

Chef Zul Madinil commented (on 2011-05-08)::) that was my responsibility as brother :)
Last Reply: 2011-05-08
Total Replies: 1
Gemaima Abayon commented:

wow...nice profile pic zul...

Chef Zul Madinil commented (on 2011-05-06):solomot hehehe ..thanksZ!
Gemaima Abayon commented (on 2011-05-06):salamat...means thank you...solomot means?
anyway your welcome.. :)
Last Reply: 2011-05-06
Total Replies: 2
Chef Zul Madinil commented:

What is hspeople.com/I never register on that website?

Atiya Nurain commented (on 2011-05-04):I also dont know what is it. but just dont click it. coz just in case virus or etc. Inform to our amazing dude, Roman Price. REPORT !
Roman Price commented (on 2011-05-05):Heyy, was this spammed? on our site or somewhere else?
Last Reply: 2011-05-05
Total Replies: 2
Pia J commented:

Hey there, just wanted to tell you that you have some amazing posts. Have a nice day. :)

Chef Zul Madinil commented (on 2011-05-03):Thanks Pia.. :) god Bless you :)
Last Reply: 2011-05-03
Total Replies: 1
Chef Zul Madinil commented:

I Miss all of you..My kitchen:: urghhh! so busy!

Roman Price commented (on 2011-04-22):Busy is good! Its the not being busy that sucks, may you always be busy brother.
Chef Zul Madinil commented (on 2011-04-24)::) I know I call this SuckCess lol.. How are you brotha?
Roman Price commented (on 2011-04-25):Good, working hard as always lol likewise yourself :)

Hows Malaysia's top chef doing? Hows the cooking?
Last Reply: 2011-04-27
Total Replies: 6 (3 more)
Melvin Fajardo Veneracion commented:

kindly subscribe in me thanks...

Gemaima Abayon commented:

great post zul..

Roman Price commented:

Thanks for the Birthday Wish brother, truth be told it was a simple one. Nothing special and very low key. The highlight was ALL the wonderful birthday wishes from a lot of great people around the world such as yourself who IM proud to call friends :)

Chef Zul Madinil commented (on 2011-04-11):Nice..i will fight for unbeatable true friend title! Lol!
Last Reply: 2011-04-11
Total Replies: 1
Gemaima Abayon commented:

what does it mean zul?
"danke schon :

Chef Zul Madinil commented (on 2011-04-10):its thank you in german :)
Gemaima Abayon commented (on 2011-04-12):now i know....danke schon..zul. :)
Last Reply: 2011-04-12
Total Replies: 2
Chef Zul Madinil commented:

danke schon gemaima :)

Gemaima Abayon commented:

very nice post....

Melvin Fajardo Veneracion commented:

kindly subscribe in my account please thank you... god bless

Gemaima Abayon commented:

Good sayings are like pearls strung together....
how are you?

Chef Zul Madinil commented (on 2011-04-09): Good good feel blessed,mabuti.. kamustaka na?
Gemaima Abayon commented (on 2011-04-09):wow...zul...do you know speak tagalog..i like it...i am always fine..like what you said"mabuti"...always be bless....GOD BLESS YOU MORE...
Last Reply: 2011-04-09
Total Replies: 2
Chef Zul Madinil commented:

Stalk me on twitter @ZulMadinil

Roman Price commented (on 2011-04-09):I already do :p
Chef Zul Madinil commented (on 2011-04-09):Lol.. u got 10,000 followers i tweet u you did not reply....i only got 37 followers including bloody Spammer!!
Roman Price commented (on 2011-04-09):LoL its not that I dont reply, with 10,000 followers its hard to keep track of the people tweeting you. I would have to rely to 100's a day :(

One downfall to twiiter. So I just use it to spread positive MSG's and that's about it lol
Last Reply: 2011-04-09
Total Replies: 6 (3 more)
Gemaima Abayon commented:

very great post .... i like it so much...

Chef Zul Madinil commented (on 2011-04-08):great comment ...i like it so very much :)
Chef Zul Madinil commented (on 2011-04-08):Only a person with their heart wide open would say the things just like what you just say...Congratulation :)
Last Reply: 2011-04-09
Total Replies: 4 (1 more)
Marina V commented:

THANKS for yours GREAT POSTS I really enjoyed

Chef Zul Madinil commented (on 2011-04-08):To all great people including YOU!
Last Reply: 2011-04-08
Total Replies: 1
Melvin Fajardo Veneracion commented:


Atiya Nurain commented:

HAHA XDD you change your name huh ! *im sooo not jealous X3 HAHA XDD

Chef Zul Madinil commented (on 2011-04-02):yehhh.. not so jealous but envy :DD... emmm.. am making tiramisu now!
Last Reply: 2011-04-02
Total Replies: 1
shy citiclub commented:

world is not end for those broken hearted,
nice quot....

Chef Zul Madinil commented (on 2011-03-31):No it is not..that is why tomorrow will wait for you..because what have happened today will not going to be the same tomorrow.. same goes to the day after.
Last Reply: 2011-03-31
Total Replies: 1
Gemaima Abayon commented:


Chef Zul Madinil commented (on 2011-03-31):very kind words gemaima.I feel blessed when u get inspired too.Keep on expessing whats in your mind..u never know that you will be the cure for sadness :)I love reading your briliant posts :)
Gemaima Abayon commented (on 2011-04-03):thank you for appreciation zul...i am so happy now...thank you so much for a very nice word..yes i will keep it...i will share whwt i want to say to inspire people...GOD BLESS YOU...

Last Reply: 2011-04-03
Total Replies: 2
Jessica Poirier commented:

I know :( I have been working to hard , not enough pulp :( How are you doing!

Chef Zul Madinil commented (on 2011-03-28):;) remember Sweet Jess,the miracle is not that you do this work, but that u are happy to do it.be as happy as u wanna be Jess :).i'm doing fine and flat out like drinking lizard..means..am very busy with job too but am happy.
Last Reply: 2011-03-28
Total Replies: 1
Roman Price commented:

I featured one of your many posts in my blog, check it out if you wish. It inspired me.


Chef Zul Madinil commented (on 2011-03-27): Thanks brother.I'm glad and happy besides feel so teribble drop and step on my own iphone with beautiful photos that i took for my post today. ;/ :)
Roman Price commented (on 2011-03-27):IM sorry to hear that brother :(
Chef Zul Madinil commented (on 2011-03-27):thats alright :) i know and i'm sure it will replaced by iphone 5 lol.
Last Reply: 2011-03-27
Total Replies: 5 (2 more)
Chef Zul Madinil commented:

what can we learn from plain pasta as well as fresh pasta?

Roman Price commented (on 2011-03-25):I learned that even though IM full and shouldn't be eating this late at night it still makes me hungry.
Atiya Nurain commented (on 2011-03-25):HAHA XDD Roman ! Zul is so bad rightt ?? Whenever he tagged me in his picture, esp with the food, hungry or not, my stomach will sing a hungry song XD LOL XD
Chef Zul Madinil commented (on 2011-03-25):ROFL! :D..my pasta no salt,no spam..anyway..,mother theresa quoted:The hunger for love is much more difficult to remove than the hunger for bread...and she whisper softly in my dream..."for pasta as well" :).I gotta bully you Yaya because u like a sister to me and I am bigger than u:D and Roman,do you like Oil free grilled chicken sandwich with crunchy lettuce with little bit of caesar dressing??
Last Reply: 2011-04-01
Total Replies: 6 (3 more)
Chef Zul Madinil commented:

Hello abelexander :)

Alexander nazri commented:

hello my friends..

Roman Price commented (on 2011-03-24):Hey Alexander, happy to see you enjoying the site my friend :)
Last Reply: 2011-03-24
Total Replies: 1
Roman Price commented:

Zul you have been a great ambassador of our new yet growing brand. I thank you for that with a simple 'Orange' next to your name. Everytime you post, comment or write on someone's wall the 'Orange' will signify how much I truly appreciate it.

Thank you my friend.

Chef Zul Madinil commented (on 2011-03-25):
Oh my lord of the ring! I don't even noticed about it Roman.Thank you very much Roman and i just don't know what to say.please accept my spiritual shake hand (close yr eyes for 10 second)can you see and feel it?Thanks Again buddy.I never expected this from you.to be honest,the reason of me to stick here because I think of the spirit of one briliant young man with a beautiful dream as well as beautiful mind.What i know is,all quotes & some of it are my own that i posted is my full support to him because I truly see there is a spirit in him and my hope for him for not never ever stop to follow his dream.the proof is there..it is not easy to handle thousand of people everyday but seemingly he can :).You already know who i'm talking about because he read it this Now.You know how much i love and appreciate this lifepulp.If I should die one day,I want the lifepulp logo on my grave stone with the signature of the founder & members.thank you Brother.To those who can dream there is no such place as far away.

Roman Price commented (on 2011-03-26):Thank you for the kind words
Last Reply: 2011-03-26
Total Replies: 2
Atiya Nurain commented:

ahem. you call me what ?? YOYO ?? ==''

Chef Zul Madinil commented (on 2011-03-22):Hahahaha.. yuyu!
Atiya Nurain commented (on 2011-03-22):==''
Chef Zul Madinil commented (on 2011-03-22):ok la ok la. Deqyaya ok?
Last Reply: 2011-03-22
Total Replies: 3
Chef Zul Madinil commented:

I just love the new features very mucho!!muchos.. nachos! great! who is the founder? i want the autograph!

Roman Price commented (on 2011-03-22):Thanks for the kind words :)
Chef Zul Madinil commented (on 2011-03-22)::) no problemo Roman.
Last Reply: 2011-03-22
Total Replies: 2
Jakub S commented:

The pictures you use for your quotes are amazing

wheress mynames(charr) commented:

i bro..nice to know u..where mynames broo

Chef Zul Madinil commented:

This is great Roman :))

Roman Price commented:

hey brother, noticed you searched "zul madinil"

if you want your posts to show in the search engine its simple.

When posting, after you finish the post just add zul, madinil to the tag section "use the comma to separate the first and last name.

everytime your name is searched the posts will come up. then can see newest posts by you and most popular to least popular.

I have taken the time to label some of your older posts so search your name again and you'll see what i mean.

fatemeh zahra commented:

people can be from different classes (although I think different way of thinking is different from different classes)while they respect each other and love each other. But most of the time majority of the people decide about rules of society because they vote them. But in our private life we can have our style and our way of thinking, but something that is important is that respect to each other and respect to society. here (in my society) I see people respect each other and I feel they love each other.(just a singer name cannot be good reason to separate people into different classes , we have so many respectable name which is respectable for all the people from all different kind of thinking)

Roman Price commented:

Love the profile picture Zul

fatemeh zahra commented:

سلام دوست من
امیدوارم در آینده خیلی خوب فارسی رو یاد بگیری وخیلی زیاد صحبت کنی اگه بتونم کمکت کنم خوشحال میشم
مهستی فرد خوش نامی بین قشر مذهبی جامعه ایران نیست( البته در بین قشر غیر مذهبی فرد محبوبیه)و من جزء قشر مذهبی هستم

Chef Zul Madinil commented:

Hahahaha Miss orange :) good one :)

Jessica Poirier commented:

Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way when you criticize them, you are a mile away from them and you have their shoes.”

Chef Zul Madinil commented:

hahaha.. it is exactly what it is and it is exactly what it was and it is exact what i wanna say shirley :) :) double smile for you... oppss..I forgot to say.. Thanks Shirley.

Shirley Osei-Mensah commented:

Love your one word description of LifePulp in the KillerStartups comment area. Lol...it's just exactly what it is. The exact word!! lol :D :))

Jessica Poirier commented:

Thank you!

Roman Price commented:

I really enjoy reading your posts, you have a great outlook on life my friend.

Thanks for sharing it with us.

Atiya Nurain commented:

HAHA. ikr ? wish people will feel the same way too.

Atiya Nurain commented:

"A man never knows how to say goodbye,a woman never knows when to say it".

Nice one ! All I can say is that, humans, we are God's unique creation ;)

Chef Zul Madinil commented:

i should thanks YOU :)

Roman Price commented:

Thanks for joining LifePulp :)

Chef Zul Madinil

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Even a clock that does not work is right twice a day.


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