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anu m commented:

Hi, thank you dear for visiting my posts n pulping them...keep visiting to my profile n posts...May God bless you with lots of happiness...Tc n stay in touch..


Melvin Fajardo Veneracion commented:

hey BoY NextDooR!! are a filipino? btw ... subscribe me please,, thanks!

BoY NextDooR commented (on 2011-08-27):yeah i am...
Melvin Fajardo Veneracion commented (on 2011-08-28):salamae sa pagsubskrayb
Last Reply: 2011-08-28
Total Replies: 2
Roman Price commented:

Dear friend, I wanted to personally thank you for joining LifePulp!

Your friend,

P.S IM always around if you have any questions or just wanna say Hi.

BoY NextDooR commented (on 2011-08-25):thanks a lot roman,,,well im still trying to explore about lifepulp...
Roman Price commented (on 2011-08-26):Great! Enjoy the inspirations!
BoY NextDooR commented (on 2011-08-26):yup!I'm enjoying LifePulp a lot roman...
Last Reply: 2011-08-27
Total Replies: 4 (1 more)

BoY NextDooR

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