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Prince GGG commented:

Never get tired of doing little things 4 people around U…Bcoz sometimes those little things occupy the biggest part in their heart…..

Good Evening Jakub…Have a pleasant evening and a wonderful weekend…Enjoy n Have Unlimited Fun

Prince GGG commented:

Friendship doesn’t shine by shaking hands in Best Time…
It Blossoms by holding hands Firmly in Critical Situations and Tough times…

Good Morning Jakub….Have A Good Day….tc n Keep Smiling :-))

uhhhvana vee commented:

be inspired.

Prince GGG commented:

Never hate those who are jealous of U, but respect their jealous because they are the ones who think n believe that U are better than them......

Good Morning Jakub......Have a wonderful Wednesday...God Bless

May C commented:

A token of appreciation for your wonderful contributions to a thousand inspirations

Prince GGG commented:

Relationship and medicine play the same role in our life, both care for us in pain, only difference is that relationship does not have an expiry date.....care for all your relations...

Good Morning Jakub, Have a good day. God Bless :-))

Isaac Idakwo commented:


Jakub S commented (on 2012-06-12):Thank you
Last Reply: 2012-06-12
Total Replies: 1
Prince GGG commented:

As rain covers the sun....
Truth covers the lie...
Angel covers the evil...
Flowers covers the garden....
I wish and Pray that Happiness covers All worries of Your Life.

Good Morning Jakub...Have a wonderful Monday n a blessed week ahead..... :-)) :-)) :-))

Shreya Sudesh commented:

How're you doing ? :)

Jakub S commented (on 2012-06-10):I am doing great, thanks for asking. Thank you for visiting my wall and saying hi!!!
Shreya Sudesh commented (on 2012-06-11):It was my pleasure :) Visited your twitter too :) Keep it up. :) take care !
Last Reply: 2012-06-11
Total Replies: 2
uhhhvana vee commented:

jakub this is an inspiration

so no filter necessary

id like to thank you for being the only welcoming dude on that floor when my team first arrived. you were the only one that was friendly.

actually, this photo was taken on the first time we spoke! hahahahaha
(i took it to show saba i got offered leftovers hahahah)

Prince GGG commented:

To stay happy in life always remember 1 thing:
Never compare d Care & Love given by ur loved ones….Bcoz every person cares and loves his own way…..

Good Morning Jakub….Have a wonderful Day…n a Happy weekend….God Bless tc n Enjoy

venus penaflor commented:

here's to a lovely day :)

Diannyjoah S commented:

<a href="http://www.satisfaction.com/codes/good-evening-comments-graphics-1.php" title="Good Evening Images, Quotes, Comments, Graphics"><img src="http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w285/.gif" border="0" alt="Good Evening Images, Quotes, Comments, Graphics"></a><br><a href="http://www.satisfaction.com/codes/good-evening-comments-graphics-1.php">Good Evening Pictures</a> - <a href="http://www.satisfaction.com/quotes/">Quotes</a> - <a href="http://www.satisfaction.com/photobucket-login/">Photobucket</a>

sam kwarteng commented:

My sweet friend, I like you so much; I love your personality and your beautiful spirit. ♥ I think once in a while it is good to hear or read that you are a fantastic person who makes a real difference in this world.You are important to people you love and care for, though maybe not always aware that you are so very dear to many others and appreciated...

Diannyjoah S commented:

Hi Jakub.

Prince GGG commented:

Heart is not a basket for keeping tensions and sadness.Its a Golden box for keeping Roses of Happiness.
Let Your Heart be Happy, Always....

Good Morning Jakub....Have a wonderful Wednesday...God Bless U, Keep smiling :-))

Achi Z commented:

Good friends are those who care without hesitation, who remember without limitation and who love even without communication.

Have a peaceful Wednesday Jakub. Take care and God bless you.

May C commented:

Hello my good friend, Hope you have a real wonderful day today of blessings

Prince GGG commented:

Life is not a music player to listen to our favorite songs. Its like a Radio!!!
We must adjust our self to every frequency!!! So enjoy everything which comes on your way….

Good Morning Jakub…..Have A wonderful Tuesday….God Bless

Jakub S commented (on 2012-06-06):Thank you Prince, have a wonderful day today!!!!
Prince GGG commented (on 2012-06-06)::-)) Thanks Bro..
Last Reply: 2012-06-06
Total Replies: 2
Jakub S commented:

Wanted to wish everyone here at LifePulp a great weekend

Diannyjoah S commented (on 2012-06-02):Happy weekend Jakub!
ade abdul commented (on 2012-06-02):Same here to everyone!!!
sam kwarteng commented (on 2012-06-02):wish you well too Jakub
Last Reply: 2012-06-03
Total Replies: 4 (1 more)
uhhhvana vee commented:


uhhhvana vee commented (on 2012-06-02)::))
Last Reply: 2012-06-02
Total Replies: 1
Diannyjoah S commented:

good evening from Hongkong

Jakub S commented (on 2012-06-01):Good morning from Toronto
Last Reply: 2012-06-01
Total Replies: 1
Prince GGG commented:

Every phase in our life is bound to teach us something valuable. It depends on us weather we analyze the lessons or just turn the pages.....

Good Morning Jakub...Have a wonderful Day n a happy weekend :-))

Anthony Kpodo commented:

HiJakub,, Thank you for commenting on my post. Check up here for more:

Prince GGG commented:

"Any combination of Million Words from 26 Alphabets can NEVER express My FRIENDS"

this Message is dedicated to such a Dear, Near n Real Friends of mine, who is YOU....

Good Morning Jakub, Have a wonderful Day Ahead....God Bless, tc n keep smiling

Jakub S commented (on 2012-06-01):Thank you Prince. It must be Friday already for you and I hope the weekend treats you well
Prince GGG commented (on 2012-06-01)::-)) yehh, i saw this message on Friday Morning....but thanks for your wishes Jakub....God Bless
Last Reply: 2012-06-01
Total Replies: 2
Srijana N commented:

Thanks for pulping my post! Have a great day!

Prince GGG commented:

Height of candles may differ, but they yield same brightness.
Same way, it is not the matter of ur position, but ur ability that actually shines...

Good Morning Jakub...Have a great day :-))

Prince GGG commented:

Life is a pathway of many colors and dead ends, but when we choose the right path of love, care, respect and peace..sights are Amazing.... Good Morning Jakub....Have a Beautiful Tuesday...Smiles :-))

Prince GGG commented:

Man asked GOD :- Please give me "Everything" to "Enjoy Life".
GOD replied:- I have given You "Life" to "Enjoy Everything"....

Let us just understand this , n ENJOY our Life....

Good Morning Jakub....Have a wonderful day today....God Bless, tc n keep smiling :-))

Diannyjoah S commented:


Prince GGG commented:

The best things in life are free....like HUGS, SMILES, SWEET MEMORIES, KISSES, FAMILY, SLEEP, LOVE, LAUGHTER n GOOD FRIENDZ......I WISH YOU HAVE PLENTY OF THEM IN UR LIFE....Good Morning Jakub...Have a wonderful day n A Great Weekend....Smiles :-))

Prince GGG commented:

An Artist was asked at award function: ”Which is your Best Painting??”
He replied: “MY Next One!!!”
Like this, let Our Aim for tomorrow be higher than achievement of Today……Good Morning Jakub…..Have a wonderful day….. Keep smiling

jocelyn potot commented:


Jakub S commented (on 2012-05-24):Thanks for the lovely pic on my wall
Last Reply: 2012-05-24
Total Replies: 1
Shreya Sudesh commented:

Dance with me tonight x :)

Shreya Sudesh commented:

Dance with me tonight x :)

Prince GGG commented:

The most important part of our personality is our thoughts because looks can gain only attraction, which is temporary But thoughts can Win Hearts, Forever……..Good Morning Jakub…..Have a Great Day…Keep smiling

Jakub S commented (on 2012-05-24):Thank you Prince, hope life is treating you well
Prince GGG commented (on 2012-05-24):Yehhh....Life is good...Thanks n Have A Good day ahead
Last Reply: 2012-05-24
Total Replies: 2
Bobby Lozano sent a gift:

Thanks Jakub for the pulps.

Prince GGG commented:

As people see my messages everyday, they might think I am addicted to messages..
But actually I am addicted in holding good relations in this Life…..n this Message is for “One of MY Good Friend”…. Good Morning Jakub….Have a Great Day…. :-))

natasha d commented:

Thank you!... Have a wonderful weekend

Carmen Martinez commented (on 2012-05-20):Thank you natasha,I've been busy this week my mother is in the hospital.Pls include her in your prayer.Her name Nimfa B. Magro
Last Reply: 2012-05-20
Total Replies: 1
Divine G commented:

thanks enjoy your weekend

Prince GGG commented:

Time decides WHOM you MEET in ur life, your Heart decides WHOM you WANT in life but Your Behavior
decides WHO WILL STAY in your life.
Wish You have more and more wonderful people around U, Always…..
Good evening Jakub….Have a wonderful weekend…..Enjoy with ur dear ones…

jocel aguilar commented:

hi Jakub S... thank you for subscribing to my post... am just new here at lifepulp, and i am sincerely looking forward to be exchanging more inspirational quotes, pictures, and messsages with you, so is with the other members. God bless... :)

Prince GGG commented:

1st Cordless phone was made by GOD....The model called "Prayer"..
It Never loses signal, No battery, No recharge, & can be used anywhere without roaming charges....So always stay CONNECTED....

Good Morning Jakub....Have a Great Day...God Bless :-))

Megami Hinata commented:

good day to you brother jakub..:)

Dang F commented:

Good morning Jakub... Have a nice day.. God bless!

JOY to the world commented:

Life is beautiful...live it with joy! Have a nice day, Jakub.

Prince GGG commented:

Every morning is the symbol of rebirth of our life.
It is in our hands to make today’s life beautiful…Make BEST of Today….Good Morning Jakub....Have a good day :-))

audrey castillo commented:

Happiness is more,
important then smile,
Because smile comes from lips,
But happiness comes from heart.
So start you day with great happy smile.
Good Morning Jakub, Have a blessed Day :)

jyotiprakash palata commented:

Hi jakub thanks 4 liking

Megami Hinata commented:

hello brother jakub. enjoy your weekend.:)

jocelyn potot commented:

thank you jakub for pulping my posted..:)

Phoebe Muriithi commented (on 2012-05-22):What a lovely post.Its amazing
jocelyn potot commented (on 2012-05-23):mmm yahh..thanks..have a nice day..:)
Phoebe Muriithi commented (on 2012-05-23):Thanks too and have a lovely day ahead
Last Reply: 2012-05-23
Total Replies: 3
Little K Crazy commented:


Prince GGG commented:

Hope is the greatest Gift of GOD, because its magic inspires us to keep trying, learning, loving and living....
Be positive, always... n keep ur hopes alive....

Good Morning Jakub....Have a wonderful Friday n A Great weekend... :-))

jocelyn potot commented:

goodnight jakub..and thanks for reading my posted..GOD BLESS :)

Jakub S commented (on 2012-05-11):Thanks for posting so I can read something
jocelyn potot commented (on 2012-05-11):PLEASURE IS ALWAYS MINE..:)
john mwangi commented (on 2012-05-12):GOD CARE 4 EACH AN EVERY YOU.
Last Reply: 2012-05-12
Total Replies: 3
Prince GGG commented:

“Happiness” is more important than “Smile” because “Smile” comes from “Lips” but “Happiness” comes from “Heart”….. Be Happy, forever…..Gudmrng Jakub….Have a Good Day…. n Keep smiling :-))

evlyn kenni commented:

never let somebody's opinion about you be the reality of you .especially bad opinions.have a wonderful afternoon.

Paul Rajakaran commented (on 2012-05-10):But with me it is a very small thing that I should be judged of you, or of man's judgment: yea, I judge not mine own self. 1 Cor.4:3
Last Reply: 2012-05-10
Total Replies: 1
Prince GGG commented:

"Life never seems 2 be the way we want it, but we live it the best way we can...."
There is No Perfect Life, but we can always fill it with Perfect Moments...
n I wish All Ur days are filled with Those "Perfect Moments"...

Good Morning Jakub...Have a wonderful Wednesday... :-))

Jakub S commented (on 2012-05-05):Thank you Prince, I have been away for a few days with no internet but it is nice to be back in town and see your comments on my wall
Prince GGG commented (on 2012-05-07)::-)) ohhh...welcome back Jakub, n thanks for kind words...God Bless
Last Reply: 2012-05-07
Total Replies: 2
Prince GGG commented:

Somebody asked Life: Why are you so difficult….??
Life smiled and said…”You never appreciate easy things”

So accept life as it is...

Good Morning Jakub.…Have a good day..:-))

Prince GGG commented:

Always be ready for everything in Life, because life is too short n we don't have time to practice for everything, before it happens....

Good Morning Jakub....Have A Wonderful Monday n a successful Week Ahead...God Bless :-))

JOY to the world commented:

Hi Jakub. Have a relaxing weekend with family and friends. God bless you.

Megami Hinata commented:

This Rose is for all the beautiful people who gave me the privilege to be a part of their life as a friend...thanks a lot brother jakub for everything...God bless you:)

marcia thomas commented (on 2012-05-02):THANKS TO YOU ALSO FOR PUTTING SMILES ON YOUR FACE
Last Reply: 2012-05-02
Total Replies: 1
Prince GGG commented:

To smile without condition……
To talk without intention……..
To give without reason……..
To care without expectation, is the beauty of any True Relation…..
Hi Jakub... Have a good day… :-))

Jakub S commented (on 2012-04-27):Thank you always brother for the kind posts on my wall
Last Reply: 2012-04-27
Total Replies: 1
Prince GGG commented:

Life is like a mirror…Smile at it….It will smile back, for sure…. Good Morning Jakub, Have a wonderful Day :-))

spyrose ƸӜƷ commented:

good morning Jakub ")

Bbira John Son commented:

Everyone is pleased by the fruits of his work,simple things that would other wise seem meaningless like nature but above all it is always what we miss about a place we left behind that creates sorrow or happiness that place is truly always our home.

Prince GGG commented:

Relations are not like exams to pass or fail OR not a competition to win or loose.....
But it’s a feeling in which you care for someone more than urself….Good Morning Jakub, Have a wonderful week ahead

Divine G commented:

j thanks.

Megami Hinata commented:

just dropping by to say have a nice and peaceful weekend to you brother jakub..:)

Prince GGG commented:

A strong and positive attitude creates more miracles than any other thing, b’coz….Life is 10% how U make it and 90% how U take it….Good Morning Jakub....Have a wonderful day n A Happy weekend... :-)) Keep Smiling

chu romanus kpwe commented:

thanks to all

Megami Hinata commented:

hi brother jakub..i am so happy to know that you love cats...so i am sending you this ragdoll kitty to add to your pets...:) and i just want to thank you for always reading my inspirations...take care brother jakub...God bless you..:)


Thank you for subscribing Jakub

spyrose ƸӜƷ commented:

have a wonderful day Jakub ")

Bobby Lozano sent a gift:

Hi Jakub, thanks for subscribing.

chu romanus kpwe commented (on 2012-04-19):you are nice to me
Last Reply: 2012-04-19
Total Replies: 1
Prince GGG commented:

At times we may not know where GOD is but we can be confident that HE always knows where we are…..Good Morning Jakub...Have a wonderful day n a successful week .. :-))

happy k commented:

Hi Jabub, how are you? Thanks for pulping my post.

Jakub S commented (on 2012-04-17):I am great here in Canada, thanks for the great posts Happy
Last Reply: 2012-04-17
Total Replies: 1
audrey castillo commented:

Good Morning Jakub, Have a nice day:)

spyrose ƸӜƷ commented:

good day Jakub!

JOY to the world commented:

May our risen Lord bless you with His love, peace and joy. Happy Easter, Jakub.

JOY to the world commented:

Have a blessed Good Friday, Jakub.

May C commented:

Thank you for ever finding time to appreciate my posts. With that i am sharing you this cute video of friendship. Have a happy celebration of Lent

Oni b commented (on 2012-04-12):yes, I love it. happy celebration!!!
Oni b commented (on 2012-04-12):yes, I love it. happy celebration!!!
Last Reply: 2012-04-12
Total Replies: 2
aiza grace yanez commented:

thank you for pulping my post..god bless u always

Prince GGG commented:

GOD BLESS YOU is such a small prayer….but it means a lot. It Means May the LORD with HIS Gracious Hands, give You more than You have Prayed for…. Good Morning Jakub, Have a wonderful week ahead…

Jakub S commented (on 2012-04-02):Thank you Prince, and may this week bring you more happiness and smiles then the last
Last Reply: 2012-04-02
Total Replies: 1
May C commented:

Hello Jakub! nice posts, keep on inspiring!

Jakub S commented (on 2012-04-01):Thanks for the wonderful inspirations on my wall
Last Reply: 2012-04-01
Total Replies: 1
May C commented:

Have a nice week ahead

JOY to the world commented:

Have a great weekend Jakub.

Jakub S commented (on 2012-04-01):I always do Joy, thank you
Last Reply: 2012-04-01
Total Replies: 1
Prince GGG commented:

Every Sunrise delivers opportunities while every sunset asks what we did with the opportunities….. Make the best of TODAY…

Good Morning Jakub..…Have a wonderful Friday.. :-))

audrey castillo commented:

View a negative experience in your life
Like how you look at a photo negative.
A single negative can create unlimited number of positive prints
Good Morning Jakub, have a nice day, God bless:)

mercy ayyagari commented:

HI Jakub,Its morning time
A cup of hot hello,
A plate of crispy wishes,
A spoon of sweet smiles &
A slice of great success - for u
Enjoy the day!
Good Morning

JOY to the world commented:

Hi Jakub. Sending you this card which I personally made for my Life Pulp family. Have a great day ahead.

Prince GGG commented:

Life is very short, so break silly rules….
Forgive quickly….
Believe slowly…
Love truly…
Laugh loudly…
And never avoid anything that makes U Smile… :-))

Good Morning Jakub…..Have a wonderful day ahead…

Achi Z commented:

Shadow of yesterday
Have faded away,
Sun has reappeared
It’s a brand new day

Birds singing their song
Loud and clear,
Announcing to the world
A new day is here,

Sun appears in the east
Has begun a new quest,
In the middle at noon
And then sets in the west,

Wishing you contentment
And peace along the way
Good morning to you
And have a nice day Jakub....:)

Prince GGG commented:

My wishes are silent but true,
Every where they will follow you,
Luck is urs, wishes are mine,
I wish ur present and future will always shine....
Good Morning Bro...Have a Good Day... :-))

SANKARAN G V commented:

nice one

Prince GGG commented:

7 Lovely Logics....

1. Make peace with your past so it doesn’t spoil your present.
2. What others think of you is none of your business.
3. Time heals almost everything, give the time, some time.
4. No one is a reason of your happiness except yourself.
5. Don’t compare your life with others you have no idea what their journey is all about.
6. Stop thinking too much, it’s alright not to know all the answers.
7. Smile -:-)

Good Morning Jakub… :D)

Pius Nancy Evelyn commented (on 2012-03-27):thank you very inspiring
Prince GGG commented (on 2012-03-28)::-)) Thanks Pius Nancy..
May C commented (on 2012-03-29):nice! i love this!
Last Reply: 2012-03-29
Total Replies: 4 (1 more)
audrey castillo commented:

A friend is never a coincidence in your life, they are meant to enter your life to bring you joy and laughter. So, I will always treasure the friendship between us. Good Morning Jakub, thanks for always appreciating my post, take care and God bless u always... :)

Patrick C commented:

thanx 4 pulpin & subscribin

Prince GGG commented:

Hi....Very Good Morning Jakub....Have a wonderful day today n a successful week ahead...God Bless, tc n keep smiling

Pius Nancy Evelyn commented (on 2012-03-26):Hi thank you This is so true for all things work togather for Good to them that love God and let us continue to give God thanks in all things and for all things
Last Reply: 2012-03-26
Total Replies: 1
May C commented:

hello jakub, thanks ever for the pulps, you inspire me more in doing so. God bless you!

spyrose ƸӜƷ sent a gift:

good morning Jakub....
your my first pulper today ")

God bless and keep safe.

trina penalba commented:

Happiness can't be found when you seek it for yourself. But when you give it to others, it finds its way back you. That is the mystery of happiness. It grows when shared.

Jakub S commented (on 2012-03-24):Thanks for the great post and photo on my wall
Last Reply: 2012-03-24
Total Replies: 1
Prince GGG commented:

From"Life !


To"Hope !



Good Morning Jakub...

Jakub S commented (on 2012-03-24):Thank you Prince, hope you have yourself a great weekend
Prince GGG commented (on 2012-03-26)::-)) Thanks
Last Reply: 2012-03-26
Total Replies: 2
spyrose ƸӜƷ commented:

hi Jakub....

have a nice Morning my friend:)

JOY to the world commented:

Jakub S commented (on 2012-03-21):I always do Joy, thank you for the wonderful photo
JOY to the world commented (on 2012-03-21):You're welcome. I personally snapped this photo in a garden.
Last Reply: 2012-03-21
Total Replies: 2
Prince GGG commented:

Hi...Good Morning Jakub, Have A Great Monday n a successful week...God bless

Jakub S commented (on 2012-03-21):Thank you buddy, always a good start to the week with a photo from you on my wall
Prince GGG commented (on 2012-03-21)::-)) Thanks Bro for your kind words...
Last Reply: 2012-03-21
Total Replies: 2
audrey castillo commented:

Friendship is not about how often or how long you see each other. It's about being there, without being asked and having the much needed words for each other...

Jakub S commented (on 2012-03-19):Very sweet of you, thank yiou
Last Reply: 2012-03-19
Total Replies: 1
rebekah salar commented:

Thank you for not unsubscribing though I haven't really active :)

Jakub S commented (on 2012-03-18):It is always great to read your posts and to have you back. Clicking the unsubcribe button below your name never even crossed my mind once. :)
Last Reply: 2012-03-18
Total Replies: 1
juy s commented:

thanks for subscribing.. :)

nenita ramos commented:

im new fan here... im quite uneasy

Jakub S commented (on 2012-03-17):Why is that?
nenita ramos commented (on 2012-03-17):since all the chosen photos of mine were not accpted to be uploaded here
Jakub S commented (on 2012-03-17):What do you mean? You tried to upload it and it didn't work? I never had a problem uploading a jpeg or a gif or a png. A bmp file might be too pick to upload. Can You give me some more information on what types of file and I will try to help. Or you can send it to my email jakub637@gmail.com
Last Reply: 2012-03-18
Total Replies: 4 (1 more)
ade abdul commented:

thanks for the pulp!

May C commented:

thanks for the pulp!

hasnee m commented:

thanx for pulpn my post....!!

Prince GGG commented:

Relations require real efforts….even when all of us are busy with our own lives, a simple message after a long time will remind that few relations are still alive….Hi Jakub

levine dejumo commented:

I'm new to this..

Jakub S commented (on 2012-03-14):How are you enjoying LifePulp? Do you need any help in how the site works?
levine dejumo commented (on 2012-03-14):I'm enjoying it a lot ;-) not really just here to read posts.
Jakub S commented (on 2012-03-15):Thats great, most users on LifePulp don't post, they usually read the post and save it to their favorites by clicking the pulp button for a motivational pick up whenever they need it. Thanks for subscribing, glad you like my posts :)
Last Reply: 2012-03-15
Total Replies: 3
mariel navarro commented:

hi friend! have a nice day! :) keep smiling boy!

Jakub S commented (on 2012-03-14):Thank you, I never stop :)
Last Reply: 2012-03-14
Total Replies: 1
audrey castillo commented:

a real friend knows when your struggling with life, they don't need to be told. They don't judge or even necessarily say anything. They are just there for you...

Jakub S commented (on 2012-03-14):That is sweet, thank you
Last Reply: 2012-03-14
Total Replies: 1
parimal patel commented:

thanks for subscribing!

Katella Bliss commented:

Hi Jakub! thanks for subscribing! Be safe...take care!

Maria Peral commented:

thanks alot <3

chetna karkar commented:

Hi! jaCkub thank u for subscribing me n nice pic..keep smiling..take care

Magdalena Anna commented:

Thank You for pulping my posts.

Jakub S commented (on 2012-03-09):Thanks for the great posts :)
Last Reply: 2012-03-09
Total Replies: 1
MELLAH ZIMBA commented:

Hi all ! am less than a day here and so far so good! This site is EXCELLENT! Am here to interact and learn,so be there for me and feel free.

Percy D commented:

Hello!! many thanks for your subscription!! certainly I'd like to ask you something about Lifepulp, but I don't know how!!?? u meant, here or maybe by other means??!! ... might u give me any clue?? (I'm still becoming familiar with this site, it's the first time that I log in here) Thanks beforehand.

Jakub S commented (on 2012-03-08):Sure you can ask me here, what do you want to know?
Percy D commented (on 2012-03-08):Hi! excellent to get ur prompt reply. Well, to tell u the truth, since I was exploring the site during many minutes, I think I've managed to grasp several details in it. So, my doubts are less now. But anyway, I have a couple of questions for now. 1st: posts and blogs are the same here??? because I was reading both of them, and they seem to be similar, although the main difference I found is that in blogs there are founder's submissions mostly, whereas in posts there are from any LifePulp member!! May I make a blog by myself too?? 2nd: what do the 3 blanks mean below my profile??? they say about a "link"!! link to what???? to my profile??? or to other site quite apart from this one??!! well, I hope not to be too much heavy with these questions! many thanks in advance!! :)
Jakub S commented (on 2012-03-09):I am glad you got to figure it out a little. The blog is actually founder and important information about the site or topics within the site. I am not sure about the 3 links you are referring to. All links in LifePulp stay inside the site. There are 3 pictures of people that have subscribed to you. Is that what you are referring to?
Last Reply: 2012-03-09
Total Replies: 5 (2 more)
spyrose ƸӜƷ sent a gift:

Jakub.....you're truly great! Congrats!!!

Jakub S commented:

Thank you friends for all the congratulations on 100,000 inspirational moments. You all made it possible.

Tessa Zimmerman sent a gift:

Wow! 100,000 inspirational moments-that's truly amazing! Congratulations!!!!

Megami Hinata sent a gift:

CONGRATULATIONS brother Jakub..:)

Achi Z sent a gift:

Hi Jakub...Congratulations! You deserve the best! Thank you so much for all the wonderful inspirations...May God continue to bless you everyday..:)

Marlene M sent a gift:

congrats Jakub :)

RADHIKA BHATIA sent a gift:

congrats! good to hear that...thank u for such wonderful inspirations..

Roman Price sent a gift:

Congrats buddy.

Prince GGG commented:

:-)) Hi Jakub, How are u doing??? Have a blessed day....tc n keep smiling

Jakub S commented (on 2012-03-07):Thank you for the well wishing, hope the week is treating you well
Last Reply: 2012-03-07
Total Replies: 1
audrey castillo commented:

Friends are God’s way of taking care of us. Thank you for appreciating my post, take care and God bless.. :)

Jakub S commented (on 2012-03-07):Thank you for the nice posts, take care
Last Reply: 2012-03-07
Total Replies: 1
anne vera commented:

From my “HEART” I wish you a morning full of L O V E and a prayer that you would always be safe in GOD’s care… Good morning JAKUB..

Mira Mortel commented:

thank you jakub

ron cobilo commented:

Hello Jakub! Thank you for always pulping my posts!
Have a Blessed Sunday to you :)

faith njoroge commented:

make your work an accurate reflection of your relationship with God,leaning on the ability of God to bring you success in your endeavors.

Jakub S commented (on 2012-03-06):Thank you faith for the encouraging words
Last Reply: 2012-03-06
Total Replies: 1
JOY to the world commented:

Thank you Jakub for your support and encouragement esecially when I was just starting it out here in Life Pulp. Your appreciation inspired me to make the best of my Life Pulp journey. Thank you so much and may you continue to be an inspiration here in LP. God bless you Jakub.

Jakub S commented (on 2012-02-25):Thank you for the kind words Joy. It is your incredible inspirations that have inspired countless at LifePulp myself included.
Last Reply: 2012-02-25
Total Replies: 1
yeshroel reyes commented:

thanks a bunch :)) although im a newbie :))

just joey commented:

Thank you so much. God is good. Newbie here.

floramae p commented:

it's an honor to be subscribed by you ! it only means you appreciate my posts......thanks !

Jakub S commented (on 2012-02-24):Those are very kind words, thank you
Last Reply: 2012-02-24
Total Replies: 1
josephine a sent a gift:

Nice photo shot...

Jakub S commented (on 2012-02-23):Thanks, I was in Guatemala right after the volcanoe erupted in 2010. If was a incredible sight
Jennifer wambui maina commented (on 2012-02-23):Must have been a wonderful experience wish i would get such a chance to wonders of the world.
Jakub S commented (on 2012-02-24):It was really amazing, I was pretty lucky to be able to go and see it when I did. Something I will remember for a long time
Last Reply: 2012-02-24
Total Replies: 3
JOY to the world commented:

Hi Jakub. I already received the Joy to the World Award. Thanks.

Jakub S commented (on 2012-02-22):That is good news. Hope you like it
Last Reply: 2012-02-22
Total Replies: 1
suraj singh sarki commented:

tnx jakub brother, u pulped n subscribed my post

Marina V commented:

Hi Jakub Happy FAMALY DAY ALL THE BEST for you and yours Family THANKs

Eisa Rene Batallones commented:

Thanks for pulping my post

glr MD commented:

Thanks for pulping and subscribing to my post :)

Marlene M commented:

have a Great weekend my friend :) God Bless!

Sandra Obiora commented:

thanks for encouraging me to do more on this site even as i just joined :)

Jakub S commented (on 2012-02-17):I enjoyed reading your poems, they were good :)
Sandra Obiora commented (on 2012-02-18):thank you...i hope post more.
Jakub S commented (on 2012-02-18):I am am going to make sure that I read them when you do. Have yourself a great weekend.
Last Reply: 2012-02-18
Total Replies: 4 (1 more)
isaac jackson commented:

Proverbs 3:1
my son, do not forget my teaching?without an anchor, a stationary boat will drift.In similar way,unless you are anchored in the word, you can easily slip away from a close relationship with God.God's word is the anchor that keep you firm in him as you sail life's water. Be determine today to develop a consistent QUIET TIME relationship and fellowship with him.

Lyresh W commented:


Jakub S commented (on 2012-02-17):Thank you, it was in Guatemala a few days after the Volcano erupted in 2010
Lyresh W commented (on 2012-02-17):ah... Me i don't know how to post it here in lifepulp, i'm just a pulper lol... i'm a new member here...
Jakub S commented (on 2012-02-17):If you want to post you can just click on the post now button inbetween blog and search. Give it a try if you feel like it, it is really easy after you get the hang of it.
Last Reply: 2012-02-17
Total Replies: 5 (2 more)
Prince GGG commented:

Hi, Good Morning Jakub.....Have a Good day... :-))

Yec Zarah commented:

have a wonderful valentine's day Jakub with your loved ones :-)

Tinna K.K commented:

hi Jakub! thanks for always pulping my post
happy valentines day to you,enjoy your day with a
lot of love..

Achi Z commented:

happy heart's day to you jakub..enjoy it with your love ones....

Prince GGG commented:

Hi Good Morning Jakub.......n A VERY Happy Valentine's Day...Enjoy This Day of Love with Your Dear Ones:-))

ANJELA G commented:

have a great valentine's day!:)

Jakub S commented (on 2012-02-14):Thank you, I hope your Valentine's treats you great. It is awesome to have you be a part of LifePulp
Last Reply: 2012-02-14
Total Replies: 1
Marlene M commented:

Happy Valentines Day My Friend Jakub :)

Jakub S commented (on 2012-02-14):Just like your inspirations this photo and message is wonderful and brightened up my day. Hope today is filled with happiness and Love that you deserve
Last Reply: 2012-02-14
Total Replies: 1
JOY to the world commented:

Happy Valentines Day Jakub. May God you and your family with all the love your hearts can hold.

Jakub S commented (on 2012-02-14):That is very sweet Joy. Roman and I sent out the trophy and you should receive it in 2 weeks or sooner. I hope your Valentine's day brings you nothing but Joy and Love, and anything else you may want
Last Reply: 2012-02-14
Total Replies: 1
Prince GGG commented:

Hi Very Good Morning Jakub....Have a wonderful week ahead... :-))

Jakub S commented (on 2012-02-14):I will Prince, and you have yourself a great Valentine's Day
Last Reply: 2012-02-14
Total Replies: 1
olive r sent a gift:


Marlene M commented:

Its always nice to read your posts my friend Jakub. Thanks for the great posts keep inspiring :)

spyrose ƸӜƷ commented:

enjoy your day Jakub :)

Marlene M commented:

a friend gives hope when your life is low,
a friend is place wen u have no place to go,
a friend is a precious,
a friend is YOU :)
Have a great weekend my friend Jakub! God Bless and keep smiling ^_^

Prince GGG commented:

Good Morning Jakub......Have a wonderful Day...:-))

spyrose ƸӜƷ commented:

Good morning and enjoy your weekend Jakub.

ANJELA G commented:

thanks for hitting the "Pulp" button Jakub! Gumamela flower for you..

blessings and care! :)

Jakub S commented (on 2012-02-10):I only hit the pulp button because your posts were really good. Thanks for the great posts. Keep inspiring
Last Reply: 2012-02-10
Total Replies: 1
Prince GGG commented:

Hi, Good Morning Jakub....Have a Good Day. :-))

Megami Hinata commented:

hi mr. jakub. thanks for always pulping. here's choco cookies malt just for you. take care.:)

Prince GGG commented:

Hi, Good Morning Jakub...Have a wonderful Wednesday.. God Bless U :-))

audrey castillo commented:

Mörning is ä wöndérfül öppörtünity To Präy, To Lövé, To wish,To Smilé & tö Thånk GOD för äll Blessings...

"Gööd Mörnìng"

Jakub S commented (on 2012-02-07):Thank you for the incredible morning messages
Last Reply: 2012-02-07
Total Replies: 1
audrey castillo commented:

keep on smiling...have a wonderful day Jakub :)

Prince GGG commented:

Hi Very Good Morning Jakub....Have a wonderful week ahead.....God Bless... :-))

Jakub S commented (on 2012-02-07):Same to you brother, may this week bring you all the happiness you deserve
Prince GGG commented (on 2012-02-08)::-)) Thanks
Last Reply: 2012-02-08
Total Replies: 2
audrey castillo commented:

My wishes are silent but true,Everywhere they will follow you.. Luck is yours, wishes are mine.. I wish your present and future always shine...Good morning

Neemah Joe commented:


audrey castillo commented:

Good Morning..

Marlene M commented:

A friend is one of the nicest things you can have, and one of the best things you can be. ~Douglas Pagels

Prince GGG commented:

Valuing SOMEONE is not merely by seeing each other everyday…
What counts is that somehow in our busy lives, we remember to say, Take Care…GudMorning Jakub.

Jakub S commented (on 2012-02-04):Have a great weekend Prince, hope life is treating you well
Last Reply: 2012-02-04
Total Replies: 1
angie anj commented:

Thank you!!!!

Prince GGG commented:

Hi....Very Good Morning Jakub...Have a wonderful Monday and a successful week ahead....God Bless.... :-))

Megami Hinata sent a gift:

hi mr. jakub..i just wanted to say thank you so much.;)

JOY to the world commented:

Jakub S commented (on 2012-01-28):Thank you for the wonderful picture JOY
JOY to the world commented (on 2012-01-29):You're welcome Jakub.
Olaide Usman commented (on 2012-02-06):O Joy, this picture is awesome jus like u are a beautiful woman. enjoy
Last Reply: 2012-02-06
Total Replies: 3
Marlene M commented:

Hi Jakub thanks for always pulping my posts... Have a great weekend :) Take care God Bless!

Jakub S commented (on 2012-01-27):I could say the same thing to you. Thanks for the great posts
Last Reply: 2012-01-27
Total Replies: 1
Prince GGG commented:

Morning is a perfect time
“to Pray”
“to Love”
“to Care”
“to Smile”

So, enjoy ur lovely morning with ur smiling face…Good Morning Jakub

JOY to the world commented:

Good morning Jakub. Have a great day ahead.

ARMAN S commented:

Thanks Jakub for always pulping my posts. have a good day.

Prince GGG commented:

Hi, Good Morning Jakub....Have A Good Day. :-))

Kazeronnie Mak commented:

Hello Jakub

Thank you for your kind generosity.

All the best !

Kazeronnie Mak

Prince GGG commented:

Hi....Very Good Morning Jakub...Have a Wonderful Tuesday....Smiles :-))

Jakub S commented (on 2012-01-25):Thanks for the wonderful messages on my wall, you have yourself a great Wednesday
Prince GGG commented (on 2012-01-25)::-)) Thanks jakub....
Last Reply: 2012-01-25
Total Replies: 2
Prince GGG commented:

Hi... Very Good Morning Jakub....Have a Great week ahead.. :-))

Kristoffer Viray sent a gift:

Hi Jakub thanks a lot for pulping my posts.

Prince GGG commented:

Hello Jakub, Have a Good Day ahead.. :-))

Jakub S commented (on 2012-01-20):A you have a great weekend Prince
Last Reply: 2012-01-20
Total Replies: 1
Kristoffer Viray sent a gift:

Thanks Jakub for subscribing and pulping my posts. God bless

spyrose ƸӜƷ commented:

Beautiful Tomorrow Never Comes,
When It Comes It is Already Today!
In Hunt Of Beautiful Tomorrow,
Lets Not Waste The Wonderful Today.
Good Morning Jakub :)

Prince GGG commented:

Hi....Very Good Morning Jakub....Have a blessed Wednesday.. :-))

Prince GGG commented:

Good Morning Jakub....

Prince GGG commented:

Hi, Very Good Morning Jakub....Have a great week ahead.....God Bless, tc n keep Smiling :-))

Tessa Zimmerman commented:

Hey Jakub. The quotes about health and food are great! I'll have to share them on TeenSanity. I don't know if you've seen the movie Food Inc? You should if you haven't. It's about (the really scary) American food industry and what the big corporations do to our food. I watched it in my food toxicology course. It's completely changed the way I look at my food! Hope your having a great weekend:)

Jakub S commented (on 2012-01-16):I have seen it. I was kind of scared myself especially since i eat a lot of meat. But cause of that movie I am almost totally off of ground beef. It is a small start.
Tessa Zimmerman commented (on 2012-01-16):It's a good start:) I think what scares me the most is GMO's. Genetically engineering food freaks me out.
Last Reply: 2012-01-16
Total Replies: 2
Saheel Moon commented:

hello everybody...!

jane rocks commented (on 2012-01-15):hello am jane want to know u more dear
Last Reply: 2012-01-15
Total Replies: 1
angie anj commented:


JOY to the world commented:

Hi Jakub. I hope everything is well with you. God bless you and good morning.

Prince GGG commented:

Hi Jakub....Very Good Morning to YOU:-)) Have a blessed day.

Prince GGG commented:

Good Morning Jakub....Have a blessed day... :-))

Jakub S commented (on 2012-01-13):As I am reading this it is almost 10 pm. But i will have a good night, and good afternoon to you Prince
Prince GGG commented (on 2012-01-13)::-)) Thanks Bro....Have a great time...
Last Reply: 2012-01-13
Total Replies: 2
usman sidi bala commented:

tanx 4 pulping me

jelai m commented:

thank you for pulping my post..

gelmae facturan commented:

thank you jakub for pulping

Prince GGG commented:

Good Morning Jakub....Have A Great day ahead... God bless U... :-))

Olivia Zimmerman commented:

Thanks for pulping my posts Jakub!!

mercy ayyagari sent a gift:

Hi frnd how r u? how is all going?

Jakub S commented (on 2012-01-11):Pretty busy and good. The new year has been great so far, but none stop something. Can't wait till a few months from now when I will finally be able to relax a little. How has the new year been treating you so far?
mercy ayyagari commented (on 2012-01-11):Great frnd starting is very good hope whole year is same like u and me also.....tc byeeeee
Last Reply: 2012-01-11
Total Replies: 2
Prince GGG commented:

Hi, Very Good Morning Jakub .....Have a Good Day... :-))

Prince GGG commented:

Hi Jakub, Very Good Morning n Have A Great Week ahead....God Bless, tc n Keep smiling.... :-))

Prince GGG commented:

Hi Jakub, How are you my dear Friend....I hope you had a Happy time during Christmas n New Year Eve.... Here I wish YOU and YOUR Family, A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR 2012 n a Happy weekend....God Bless, tc n Enjoy

gelmae facturan commented:

thank you for pulping..
add me in my fb account
thank you and may god always bless you!

gelmae facturan commented:

thank you for subscribing jakub

Marlene M commented:

Thank's for pulping my post Jakub :)

gelmae facturan commented:

thank you for pulping my post jakub

gelmae facturan commented:

happy new year jakub:)

Atiya Nurain commented:

thank you so much Jakub ! :) and so do I, it is amazing and thank you for having me around here. Take care !

Emmanuel Kwabena Naami commented:

Time is money so therefore we must use our time very well so that life will be something easy for us.

Jakub S commented:

Thank you for all the great happy New Year wishes. Hope this your is as good as the last was. Can't wait to grow with everybody on the site

funesth a commented (on 2012-01-02):yeah,you are welcome
Last Reply: 2012-01-02
Total Replies: 1
ron cobilo commented:

With this passing year, lose the pains and keep the memories. May you always shower a smiling face, in years to come. I wish you a very Happy New Year.

anne vera commented:

I wish you the Love of friends and family...
And Peace within your heart...HAPPY NEW YEAR JAKUB..!

JOY to the world commented:

Happy New Year Jakub!

Tinna K.K commented:

This is beginning of a new year!
hAPPY new year...JAKUB

spyrose ƸӜƷ commented:

Mark your everyday with new hopes,
with a smile like sunshine.
Make yourself a shadow for the needy,
strength for the weaker,
Symbol of love and peace.
And always remember that there is
who knows the inner of your self,
who is the true and actual


JOY to the world commented:

Hi Jakub. I hope everything out there with you is still Christmassy, full of fun and joy. Here in the Philippines it still is, because Christmas season here ends on the Feast of the Epiphany or the Three Kings which is celebrated on the first Sunday of January. Have a great day ahead Jakub!

George P.V. sent a gift:

Thank you Jakub for pulping many of my posts. Your posts are very inspiring.

anne vera commented:

...good day JAKUB..

Love De Asis commented:

Merry Christmas brother

JOY to the world commented:

Wishing you Jakub a very Merry Christmas. May the love of Christ be with you always. Take care and God bless you.

Jakub S commented (on 2011-12-27):Thank you Joy, it has been a great Christmas so far. Great time with family. Hope yours is amazing as well
JOY to the world commented (on 2011-12-27):You're welcome. I had a great Christmas too with family and friends.
Last Reply: 2011-12-27
Total Replies: 2
ron cobilo commented:

May the lovely spirit of Christmas bring you lots of peace, joy and happiness. May it live with you all through the Christmas season. Here's wishing you a Wonderful Christmas and a Blessed New Year.

Amanda Lynn commented:

:) Hope you have a Christmas and a Happy New Year!!

Jakub S commented (on 2011-12-24):Thanks Amanda, I hope Santa brings you everything you wished for this year
Last Reply: 2011-12-24
Total Replies: 1
Jakub S sent a gift:

My all my LifePulp family have a great Christmas and an even better New Year

ron cobilo commented (on 2011-12-24):you too, jakub! :)
Last Reply: 2011-12-24
Total Replies: 1
anne vera commented:

Peace, good will and happiness for you at Christmas and always.

☆Effendy Karto☆ commented:

Have a happy Christmas time Dear Friend Jakub. Take care always.

namita saisun commented:

hey jakub ........ Wish U and Ur family a Merry Christmas!

Tinna K.K commented:

hi Jakub,wishing you merry christmas and a happy new
year.thanks for pulping my post. enjoy your holidays.

spyrose ƸӜƷ commented:

hi Jakub...
Here’s wishing you all the joys of the season. Wish you and your family a Merry Christmas!

Achi Z commented:

The joy that you give to others is the joy that flows back to you. A happy heart makes a cheerful face. May your day be lovely as your heart. Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones jakub!

Prince GGG commented:

Hi, Merry Christmas to You and to All Your Family n Friends….Enjoy

Prince GGG commented:


They all are waiting for ‘U’ ‘U’ ‘U’ ‘U’ ‘U’…

So get up, n Have A NICE Day ahead..


Prince GGG commented:

Hi, Good Morning Jakub.....Have a good day...God bless.... Smiles :-))

Achi Z commented:

hi jakub...just dropping by to say have a nice day to you...

Jakub S commented (on 2011-12-22):How did you know that is exactly what I need 1st thing in the morning.
Achi Z commented (on 2011-12-22):i can read your mind...LOL...just a thought..:)
Last Reply: 2011-12-22
Total Replies: 2
Prince GGG commented:

Good Morning Jakub....Have a wonderful day today...Smiles :-))

spyrose ƸӜƷ commented:

good Morning Jakub,... thank you for stopping by....:)

God bless and Take care!

JOY to the world commented:

Hi Jakub! Here in the Philippines, house to house Christmas caroling both by kids and adults has been a Christmas tradition since the Spaniards colonized our country from 1521 to 1896. In this spirit I will do a Christmas Caroling with this all time favorite Christmas Carol: Merry Christmas Jakub.

Jakub S commented (on 2011-12-21):Sounds like a great time. Hope your Christmas brings you as much Joy as you have brought LifePulp. Have a great week ahead!!!
JOY to the world commented (on 2011-12-21):Thanks Jakub.
Last Reply: 2011-12-21
Total Replies: 2
leilani llarena commented:


Jakub S commented (on 2011-12-20):I always do, have yourself a great day Leilani, glad to have you here on LifePulp
leilani llarena commented (on 2011-12-20):THANK YOU!! CHEERS! TO US! FOR TRYING TO FIND THE GOOD IN EVERYTHING!
Last Reply: 2011-12-20
Total Replies: 2
Prince GGG commented:

Good Morning Jakub....... Have a blessed day....God bless, tc n keep smiling :-))

Jakub S commented (on 2011-12-20):Thank you, always great to see your messages when I wake up
Prince GGG commented (on 2011-12-21)::-)) Good to nkow this....thanks Jakub
Last Reply: 2011-12-21
Total Replies: 2
spyrose ƸӜƷ commented:

hi Jakub, thank you for dropping by...:)

ARMAN S commented:

Hi Jakub thanks a lot for pulping my posts...God bless you always.

Prince GGG commented:

Hi, Very Good morning Jakub.....Have A blessed Monday n A wonderful week ahead....God Bless, tc

ron cobilo commented:

Hello Jakub!
Just drop by,
Have a beautiful day! :)

Jakub S commented (on 2011-12-18):It is always nice to have you drop by my profile, nice quotes today.
suzzy newton commented (on 2011-12-18):hello how are you doing dear?from suzzy
Last Reply: 2011-12-18
Total Replies: 2
Love De Asis commented:

hello my friend Jakub, thank you for those pulped on my posts.Enjoy your weekend.Godbless you...

Jakub S commented (on 2011-12-18):Thank you for the great posts
Last Reply: 2011-12-18
Total Replies: 1
Yec Zarah commented:

It was nice to read what you guys are posting on lifepulp... hurrah!

Prince GGG commented:

Hi, Very Good morning Jakub...Have a wonderful Day... Keep Smiling :-))

Jakub S commented (on 2011-12-16):You always know how to brighten up my day.
Prince GGG commented (on 2011-12-19):ha ha ha thanks for the compliment Bro....Keep safe n keep Growing in Life...Smiles
Last Reply: 2011-12-19
Total Replies: 2
JOY to the world commented:

Thanks for the pulps and the comments Jakub. It's nice reading your posts as well. They make me pause and reflect. Good night and have a restful sleep.

Achi Z commented:

hi jakub..how are you nowadays? thank you so much for always reading and pulping my posts and i hope i inspired you as well...God Bless you and stay cool as you are...:))

mercy ayyagari sent a gift:

Hi frnd, how r u?

Prince GGG commented:

Hi, Very Good Morning Jakub, have a wonderful Wednesday....God Bless, tc n keep smiling

Prince GGG commented:

Smile is the electricity and Life is a Battery. Whenever u smile, the battery gets charged and a beautiful day is activated. So keep smiling, Always. Have A Wonderful day Jakub n a Blessed week ahead. God bless you.

love jack commented:

hi jakub thank you so much for always reading and pulping my post and i hope i inspired you in my own little ways nice to be part of lifepulp and meet friends like you..god bless you and stay happy :))

cletus aboh commented:

Jesus loves you

Ella Alarcon commented:

Hello, Jakub.. Thanks for liking my posts..

Prince GGG commented:

Hi....Very Happy Morning Jakub....Have a Blessed Monday n a Wonderful Week Ahead.....God Bless :-))

JOY to the world commented:

Wishing you a fun-filled weekend Jakub!

Psalm David commented:

Have a Great Week End Jakub!

Jakub S commented (on 2011-12-10):Thank you Brother, same to you
Last Reply: 2011-12-10
Total Replies: 1
Prince GGG commented:

Hi, Very Good Morning JAKUB ......Have a blessed day.. :-))

Prince GGG commented:

Good Morning Jakub...Hv a Good day, :-))

spyrose ƸӜƷ sent a gift:

Hi Jakub :)

thank you for pulping my Posts... :)

heloise quincy raleigh commented:

hello thanks for subscribing me..((:

heloise quincy raleigh commented:

hello thanks for subscribing me..((:

heloise quincy raleigh commented:

hello thanks for subscribing me..((:

heloise quincy raleigh commented:

hello thanks for subscribing me..((:

anne vera commented:

morning friend..how are you?

Prince GGG commented:

Hi Jakub...How are you doing...Hope you are doing good n enjoying Lyf....God bless, tc

spyrose ƸӜƷ commented:

thank you Jakub...:)

...keep safe!

anne vera commented:

..good mmorning friend..

Prince GGG commented:

Hi, Very Good Morning Jakub....Have a Happy Monday Morning and A Great week Ahead...God bless, :-))

Yec Zarah commented:

thank you so much for the pulp'd and subscribing me...God Bless Jakub :)

anne vera commented:


Jakub S commented (on 2011-12-03):Nice to meet you on LifePulp, hope you are enjoying the site
anne vera commented (on 2011-12-04):
" Thank you so much for your kind words jakub..
Last Reply: 2011-12-04
Total Replies: 2
Alexis Oikle commented:

Have a great weekend!

Jakub S commented (on 2011-12-03):So far it has been non stop something, but a good something. Hope you have a great one as well
Last Reply: 2011-12-03
Total Replies: 1
JOY to the world commented:

Have a great weekend Jakub. Keep smiling...

Jakub S commented (on 2011-12-03):That is why me and you are always so happy Joy, becasue we always are smiling. Have an even better weekend
Last Reply: 2011-12-03
Total Replies: 1
Achi Z commented:

hi jakub...thank you so much for always reading and pulping my posts and of course for enjoying reading it...God bless you today my friend....tc always...

abigail orok commented:


Tinna K.K commented:

Hi Jakub,thanks for pulping my posts
God richly bless you...keeping inspiring

Prince GGG commented:

Hi, Very Good Morning Jakub...Have a Good Day.... :-))

spyrose ƸӜƷ commented:

hi Jakub,... thank you for the kind words and for pulping my posts as well! ...have a great day!

JOY to the world commented:

Just dropping by to greet you a great and fulfilling day! Have a great day Jakub!

Prince GGG commented:

Hi, Very Good Morning Jakub....Have a wonderful Thursday....keep smiling :-)) God bless

govind parihar commented:

hi jakub thanks for pulp my post tk care......

ellerie marcel commented:

hi jakub !!! have a great day...

Prince GGG commented:


‘A message to start your day’

‘A Prayer to bless your way’

‘A cheer to make perfect your day’
‘ A moment to say, TAKE CARE n Have A Nice Day….. :-))

(Thanks for visiting n writing on my wall....)

Prince GGG commented:

Hi Very Good morning Jakub....Have a wonderful day today....God bless, lots of Love n Prayers for you n your family.... :-))

Gerhard Van der WESTHUIZEN commented:


Prince GGG commented:

Hi, Very good Morning Jakub....Have a wonderful week ahead....God bless

Yec Zarah commented:

Thank you Jakub!!! have a blessed Monday :)

mitch regis commented:

Nice to meet you guys. Thanks.. :)

Jakub S commented (on 2011-11-27):Glad to have you be a part of LifePulp, hope you enjoy the site.
mitch regis commented (on 2011-11-27):Glad to be here too. This site sounds great and inspiring.
Last Reply: 2011-11-27
Total Replies: 2
Prince GGG commented:

Hello Jakub....Good Morning n have a good day...

Mohammed Amin commented (on 2011-11-28):n u too
Last Reply: 2011-11-28
Total Replies: 1
Happy Jackson commented:

you must be the change you need to to see in the world

novi c commented:

thank you for subscribing..

Prince GGG commented:

Hi Jakub....Very Good Morning Dear....Have a wonderful day ahead...God bless, tc :-))

JOY to the world commented:

Just dropping by to say HELLO and good night...Have a restful sleep.

Prince GGG commented:

Hi Very Good Morning Jakub...Have a wonderful Wednesday....God bless, tc

Prince GGG commented:

Hi....Very Good morning Jakub....Have a blessed day...Enjoy!!!

liu 佩霞 sent a gift:

I hope we can be friends here. Give you an orange, light up your life.O(∩_∩)O

JOY to the world commented:

Mornings are great occasion to appreciate the newness of life; that each day is a new beginning, a new journey to explore our giftedness and that of others. Life is worthwhile,when as we journey we walk hand in hand joyfully with dear friends, like you, to the destination we want to reach. Have a great day Jakub. Good morning.

Prince GGG commented:

Hi, Very Good Morning Jakub....nice to see your message on my wall, n thank you soo much for your wishes...I too wish You have a wonderful day today n A Blasting week ahead...God bless, tc n Be Happy

satish singh commented:

Thanks Jakub S... You are indeed an enlighting person..

love jack commented:

Thank you for subscribing!

Roserina Alibo commented:

Hello Jakub! Thank you for subscribing! I was glad I've read you posts!:)

Prince GGG commented:

Hi, Very Good Morning Jakub.....Enjoy ur day n have a happy weekend....Love n Prayers for You

Prince GGG commented:

Hi Jakub....How are you dear??....Hope you enjoyed your day today...Here I am wishing you A Happy Weekend n Happiness for ever....Enjoy @ max

Prince GGG commented:

Hi, Very Good morning Jakub...Have a wonderful Friday....God bless

(thanks for writing on my wall, n special thanks for your compliment, love it :-))

Amanda Lynn commented:


Shreya Sudesh commented:

nice dp... is dat real lava stuff???

Jakub S commented (on 2011-11-18):I was vacationing and a volcanoe just erupted, it was very cool
Last Reply: 2011-11-18
Total Replies: 1
Prince GGG commented:

Best Freinds are the family God forgot to give you.

ron cobilo commented:

Take Care my friend..

Achi Z commented:

here' some cookies as a token of appreciation jakub..:)

Jakub S commented (on 2011-11-17):It is my fav type too, thank you!!
Shreya Sudesh commented (on 2011-11-17):yum
Last Reply: 2011-11-17
Total Replies: 2
Achi Z commented:

jakub thank you so much for your time reading my posts...enjoy the rest of the day...take care...

ron cobilo commented:

hello Jakub
Just want to say Thank You!
have a wonderful day!
God Bless you always..

ron cobilo commented:

Just want to thank you for liking & for pulping my posts. have a great day my friend! Thank you for your kind words. God bless you always..

KARIKARI KENNETH commented (on 2011-11-15):thank u too for sending me the message. all the best in life
Last Reply: 2011-11-15
Total Replies: 1
spyrose ƸӜƷ commented:


Gemaima Abayon sent a gift:


Jakub S commented (on 2011-11-15):I think I am going to have to now. I do love getting gifts. Thank you!!!
Gemaima Abayon commented (on 2011-11-15)::) your welcome...
Last Reply: 2011-11-15
Total Replies: 2
Prince GGG commented:

Hi, Very Good Morning Jakub n Have a great Week ahead....God Bless, tc

Achi Z commented:

just sending you this puppy to say keep safe always my friend...:)

Prince GGG commented:

Hi, Very Good Morning Jakub....Have this Hot Hot Tea n have a wonderful day Ahead.... Smiles :-))

spyrose ƸӜƷ commented:



JOY to the world sent a gift:

Wishing you a great day ahead Jakub. Keep inspiring as always. Smile...

Prince GGG commented:

Hi, Very Good Morning Dear Jakub....Have a Blasting Thursday....Enjoy @ maximum n keep spreading happiness around you....God bless You

Zudotakikuchika Belista commented:

Hi Jakub,

have a great day! god bless you and thanks for the support...

Nelson Toro commented:

Thank you Jakub S, much appreciated and take care!

Angela Ramnarine commented:


Jakub S commented (on 2011-11-09):Absolutely!!! On the top of the screen there is a post now button when you are logged in. It is just above the search button and next to the blog button. Click on it. Just start putting in your post. You can put in a category if you want. Text can be put in as well as a video or photo is optional. Give it a try, I would love to read your first post. If you have any more questions just ask
Angela Ramnarine commented (on 2011-11-10):THANKS YOU SO MUCH
Jakub S commented (on 2011-11-10):My Pleasure
Last Reply: 2011-11-11
Total Replies: 4 (1 more)
Angela Ramnarine sent a gift:


JOY to the world commented:

Thank you Jakub for the encouragement you've given me especially when I was a neophyte Life Pulper. Those affirmations did me a great thing here in Life Pulp. Keep inspiring Jakub and may God bless you always.

Ojo David Oluwafemi commented:

you are looking good today and the rest of your days

Jakub S commented (on 2011-11-05):Thank you buddy, I needed that today
Last Reply: 2011-11-05
Total Replies: 1
Angela Ramnarine commented:


Tinna K.K commented:

Hi Jakub!...just dropping
by to say hi" and *** have a great
weekend my friend..**

Achi Z commented:

I ask God to bless YOU,
To guide YOU,
To keep YOU safe,
To give YOU peace,
To give YOU joy and
Love all the time...
have a nice day jakub...

JULIUS MUHORO commented (on 2011-11-04):Thanks a heap,this is very good and encouraging.Im truly blessed by it.
Last Reply: 2011-11-04
Total Replies: 1
Lei Orba commented:

hi.. =)

lea calo commented:

hello...how are you..?

Jakub S commented (on 2011-11-03):I am great, just wanted to welcome you to LifePulp and hope you are enjoying the site
lea calo commented (on 2011-11-03):Thanks for that. Been a long time not visiting this site and now am back. God bless, and nice to meet you in here.
Last Reply: 2011-11-03
Total Replies: 2
Prince GGG commented:

Hi....Very Good Morning to my dear friend Jakub....Thanks for reading and pulping my posts...PLEASE KEEP VISITING MY PROFILE N POSTS IN FUTURE AS WELL....Have a wonderful day Today....Enjoy each moment of ur Life n keep smiling

mercy ayyagari commented:

Hi, goodmrng...

Happy Jackson commented (on 2011-11-02):good morning
bihande sabiti commented (on 2011-11-02):this is great xxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx
mercy ayyagari commented (on 2011-11-03):Hi sabiti, nice to see you, how r u? tc byeeeeeee
Last Reply: 2011-11-03
Total Replies: 4 (1 more)
mercy ayyagari commented:

Hey Jkub how r u frnd? whenever you log in kindly post me some hi hello, ok tc byeee

Jakub S commented (on 2011-10-30):I log in 3 times a day. But I will try to post something on you wall a few times per week
mercy ayyagari commented (on 2011-10-30):Thank u jokub for ur rply,take care bye
Last Reply: 2011-10-30
Total Replies: 2
vanessa jane m commented:

Good day! =) Take care.

Maria Teresa Nieto commented:

hello friend thank you for the pulp..bless you :) ♥

Achi Z commented:

Wherever you are right now be safe ok...God is with you all the time...

Aine OneFriend commented:

Begin ur beautiful day wit a Broad Smile. Stay Blessed.

mercy ayyagari commented:

Hai frnd how r u?

Achi Z commented:

hi jakub..how are you nowadays? missing your posts..maybe you are too busy right now...well, here's a cup of coffee to start your day...wherever you are right now just take good care of yourself...God is always with you and your family...

Jakub S commented (on 2011-10-26):Thank you, I needed the pick me up. Not to busy, just away for a few weeks. GOt back on Monday from a great trip.
Last Reply: 2011-10-26
Total Replies: 1
universall empire commented:

"Not everyone is willing to pay the price to soar like an eagle...if you're going to soar with the eagles, you can't hang out with the chickens." lol, ask Roman

Roman Price commented (on 2011-10-25):lifepulp.com/pulp/26697 Jakub read the comment thread.
Jakub S commented (on 2011-10-26):This post is for both of you
Roman Price commented (on 2011-10-26):You could have put quotations and a period. The smallest things often make the biggest differences.
Last Reply: 2011-10-26
Total Replies: 7 (4 more)
Kinyua Douglas commented:

jakub good night

Sylvia Waithera commented:

Hi Jakub, thanks for puplping my post,

Kinyua Douglas commented:

hi Jakub! thanks for pulping my post

JOY to the world commented:

Hey Jakub! How you've been? Missing your posts these days. Good morning.

Prince GGG commented:

Hi Jakub, Thanks for pulping my posts dear...Here I am Wishing you a Very Good morning....Have a wonderful day ahead...God bless, tc, love n keep visiting my profile n posts in future as well..

universall empire commented:

Thanks for subscribing Jakub!

Arjie P commented:

hi Jakub..thanks for the pulps and great comments:0

Achi Z commented:

here's an angel for you jakub...

mercy ayyagari commented:

Hai Jakub how are you? how is life going? tc, God bless u.......

Jakub S commented (on 2011-10-16):Life is going great, I am in Peru right now so have limited internet access and haven´t had time to post but will as soon as I get back. How are you doing
mercy ayyagari commented (on 2011-10-17):Hai, I am fine, happy to see your rply, tc, hope see u soon, God bless u bye.....
Last Reply: 2011-10-17
Total Replies: 2
Aurora D commented:

thanks fo subscribing Jakub....

JOY to the world commented:

Good morning Jakub. May you have a day full of love and joy. Keep inspiring!

muna criz commented:

wow thats nice

Jakub S commented (on 2011-10-08):Thanks, it was in Guatemala right after the Volcano erupted. Those memories will last a life time
Last Reply: 2011-10-08
Total Replies: 1
Gemaima Abayon commented:

jakub..i really like the new look... very nice...

Prince GGG commented:

Hi Jakub, Happy Morning...Have a Great day ahead...God bless

Jakub S commented (on 2011-10-06):that just made my morning, thank you
Last Reply: 2011-10-06
Total Replies: 1
Shreya Sudesh commented:


Jakub S commented (on 2011-10-05):I read your info it is great. Some of your aims in life are very honorable.
Last Reply: 2011-10-05
Total Replies: 1
muna criz commented:

hi, tnx for pulping my post

Tinna K.K commented:

Hi Jakub, thanks for
pulping my post.(- have a nice day.

Amanda Lynn commented:

your comments are so sweet :)

JOY to the world commented:

Have a nice day Jakub.

Prince GGG commented:

Good Morning JAKUB...Have a Great Day ahead... :-)) God bless

Tinna K.K commented:

Hello Jakub, thanks for pulping my posts always.Have a great day and stay bless.

sandy amanda commented (on 2011-09-19):thank you too
Last Reply: 2011-09-19
Total Replies: 1
Prince GGG commented:

Hello Jakub S, Nice to meet you. I sincerely Thank You for subscribing me. Keep inspiring n keep visiting my profile and posts. Thanks.

xen san juan commented:

have a blessed day bro.

anu m commented:

Hi Jakub, how r u doing??...A big thanx to u for visiting my posts and encouragements thru your positive comments and pulps.....God Bless you..Keep Posting your Great Thoughts and keep inspiring.....Lots of Love n best wishes


Amanda Lynn commented:

Hope all is well :)

Jakub S commented (on 2011-09-09):It is, thanks for asking. How is your life treating you Amanda
Last Reply: 2011-09-09
Total Replies: 1
JOY to the world commented:

Hi Jakub! Thanks for never failing to include the sources of your posts. Here in our school we badly need them for research purposes. Thank you so much.

Achi Z commented:

hello jakub..thanks for always pulping my posts..God bless.:)

cHuMmY cRiS commented:

Thanks for pulping my post! Have a wonderful day ahead!

jhosalyn suarez commented:

Hi Jakub S!

thank you for pulping my post! God bless you! :))

Tinna K.K commented:

Hello dear friend! thanks for pulping my post. have a nice day.Jakub


hey thanq jakub for pulping my posts

hope1 ben12 commented:

hi how are you doing add me hope.ben12 or hope.ben12@yahoo.com

mercy ayyagari commented:

Hai, how r u?

Amanda Lynn commented:

Thanks for being so kind :)

Tinna K.K commented:

Hi Jakub,how are you doing, thanks for pulping my post. God richly bless you dear friend.Keep inspiring.

JOY to the world commented:

Thanks Jakub.

Achi Z commented:

Hi Jakub...thank you for pulping my posts...God be with you always my friend...:)

ARMAN S commented:

Thanks bro for pulping my posts...God bless you always..

☆Effendy Karto☆ commented:

Thank you for the great posts dear Jakub. It's really great. God Bless You.

Jakub S commented (on 2011-08-18):Thank you, I appreciate that
Last Reply: 2011-08-18
Total Replies: 1
ARMAN S commented:

Thanks again Jakub for pulping my post... God bless you always.

ARMAN S commented:

Thanks Jakub for pulping my post. God bless

☆Effendy Karto☆ commented:

I just wanted to read your posts. But there wasn't any new ones. Take care Jakub. God Bless You So Much.

Jakub S commented (on 2011-08-03):You are right, I will work on that tommorrow
Last Reply: 2011-08-03
Total Replies: 1
Tinna K.K commented:

Jakub, thanks for subscribing me. God richly bless you and thanks for your inspirations. Have a great day, bye

gelay yao commented:

thank you for the pulped Jakub..smile

JOY to the world commented:

Thanks Jakub. If ever I came to love posting inspirations here at life pulp its because of very encouraging members like you. Together with Roman you encouraged me to go on through your pulps and comments. Thanks Jakub and keep inspiring life pulp members. God bless you always.



ruzel abella commented:

hi jacob thank you for pulping my post and have a great day :-)

anu m commented:

Hi Jakub, Thank you for subscribing and pulping my posts...Regards


Kishan Jariwala commented:

Thank You and Roman for this fantastic website!

Jakub S commented (on 2011-06-11):Our pleasure. Thank you for contributing to help it grow.
Last Reply: 2011-06-11
Total Replies: 1
Frances Ekow Yenyi commented:

you look nice

☆Effendy Karto☆ commented:

Always take care Jakub. I've enjoyed reading your post. ;)

oluwatobi alli commented:

thanks for you subscription God bless you

honey sweetie commented:

hi jakub! tnx for subscribing me. God bless!

joseph Moiba commented:


Dulce B. commented:

hello jakub. thaks a lot for subscribing.

Pia J commented:

Hey Jacub. :) Thanks for pulping my post. How is everything? Take care. :))

Jakub S commented (on 2011-05-25):Things are about as good as they have ever been. I love pulping your posts, they are always great
Last Reply: 2011-05-25
Total Replies: 1
gelay yao commented:

hi jakub, im glad to know that you like my post, thank you..


thx for appreciating my inspirational quote

keith andre jokico commented:

thank u so much Jacub for subscribing my post:))

Gemaima Abayon commented:

hi jakub...thank you for pulping my posts...how are you?i hope you're always doing good...God bless you :)

Jakub S commented (on 2011-05-18):Thanks for checking up on me. I always enjoy reading your posts. I am doing good and working my way to doing great. Lets both hope there are more and more great days in our lives.
Gemaima Abayon commented (on 2011-05-18):its okay jakub your welcome...i am happy that you're enjoying reading my posts...yes you're rigth more great days in our life..by GOD'S WILL. :)
Last Reply: 2011-05-18
Total Replies: 2

thanks for subscribing.. =)


Hey jakub:).i got to know that you are providing funds from your own pocket to keep this website alive along with roman.Cheers mate!May GOD bless you.you inspire me.

Jakub S commented (on 2011-05-10):That is very nice of you for saying. People coming on here and inspiring one another inspires Roman and I, so keep up the great job. It is our honor to have you be a part of LifePulp
Last Reply: 2011-05-10
Total Replies: 1
christopher navarro commented:

thank you for subscribing.. have a great day..!

Atiya Nurain commented:

post on http://lifepulp.com/pulp/12774&show=all#moreco /> THANK YOU SO MUCH Jakub :) from the bottom of my heart, I really do appreciate it ! ^^

christopher navarro commented:

thank you..

roopali k commented:

thanks for suscribed... :) have a nice day..

JOY to the world commented:

Thanks for the compliment Jakub.

Paul-Jeff A Amankwah Antwi commented:

That's great. What about if yuo want to fly...? (Laf)

Gemaima Abayon commented:

hello jakub....how are you..thank you for pulping my posts.. :)

Melvin Fajardo Veneracion commented:

not nona,. hhahaha ,, jakub,, sorry

Jakub S commented (on 2011-05-02):It is okay, that was a nice comment, I will pretend it was directed at me.
Last Reply: 2011-05-02
Total Replies: 1
Melvin Fajardo Veneracion commented:

hi nona.. thanks for always pulping.... keep inspiring.. love ur posts too

dinesh bishnoi commented:

Thank you for subscribing, Jakub. Have a great day!

Nona M commented:

Thank you for subscribing, Jakub. Have a great day!

Gemaima Abayon commented:

hello jakub... thanks for missing me... how are you now? i really missed lifepulp...

Jakub S commented (on 2011-04-25):I am busy but good. I am glad you enjoyed your vacation. When life calms down a little I will have to get away. Probalby Peru but Philippines within 3 years. Swimming with whale sharks here I come!!!!!
Gemaima Abayon commented (on 2011-05-02):i am happy that your good...heheh thanks for nice compliments to my post...
BARASA PATRICK commented (on 2011-05-02):hi Abayon, I've been writing to you but you don't reply to me so i was wondering what could be the problem?
Last Reply: 2011-05-02
Total Replies: 4 (1 more)
Gobi Be +ve V commented:


sreya bhaumik commented:

Wish you a very Happy Easter :)

spyrose ƸӜƷ commented:

hi Jakub< thank you for subscribing me,... have a great day!

George P.V. commented:

Hi Jacub,
Thanks for subscribing me. Nice to learn that you love helping others. It's a noble quality. Why not add some more info about u?

Oliva yustina commented:

thank you for subscribing me. God bless :)



Maria Teresa Nieto commented:

God Speed, Jakub!!! :))♥♥♥

Melvin Fajardo Veneracion commented:

I love reading ur posts,,,

Jakub S commented (on 2011-04-16):Thank you, that made me feel good. I really try to find the best ones that I can in order to share them with everybody
Last Reply: 2011-04-16
Total Replies: 1
Gemaima Abayon commented:

thank you for the cake...hehehe i am so happy...

Gemaima Abayon commented:


Jakub S commented (on 2011-04-11):I am great. Working like crazy now but it is better to rust out then to wear out. The pieces of my life are starting to fall into place. How is life in Palawan?
Gemaima Abayon commented (on 2011-04-12):crazy but great ....i am happy for you...palawan is so great very nice here..if you want to go here just contact me...
Jakub S commented (on 2011-04-13):I think crazy but great describes me to a T, lol.
Last Reply: 2011-04-13
Total Replies: 3
Gemaima Abayon commented:

thanks for the compliment to my post and following me in twitter...

Xha Hashim commented:


Michelle Middleton commented:

Action may not always bring happiness, but there is no happiness without action.
- Benjamin Disraeli

Jakub S commented (on 2011-04-07):Great quote
Last Reply: 2011-04-07
Total Replies: 1

i did :( but then when I was on your profile page, i hit the unsubscribe button by accidednt and therefore re-subscribed again :( felt horrible, i knw its a small thing but i was thinking wot r u gona think of me :(

Jakub S commented (on 2011-04-06):I didn't think less of you, I just thought I was going crazy. I could have swore you subscribed to me. At my age your mind plays tricks on you!!!
commented (on 2011-04-07):Hey, you not that old :) shooo! glad to hear that all is good. dont want you thinking less of me now. You a cool friend :) xxx
Last Reply: 2011-04-07
Total Replies: 2
Karen Abayon commented:

^^Thank for subscribing...Take care.Have a nice day ahead.

Gemaima Abayon commented:

thank you for a kind words....

Black Crusader commented:

I think your quotes are Great and inspiring.Wish you lots of inspiring and pleasant moments in the new week ahead!!!!

Jakub S commented (on 2011-04-04):Thanks a lot. I appreciate the compliment
Last Reply: 2011-04-04
Total Replies: 1
Atede Joy Ojochenemi commented:

Hi Jakub, thanks for the comment! :)

Natasha Munap commented:

Hello Jakub,thanks for subscribing and the pulp...Have a nice day ^^

Gemaima Abayon commented:

thanks for comment...try to do that,,,thats nice...

Atiya Nurain commented:

Oh Jakub ;)) Have I mentioned that you are so sweeeeet ?? LOL XD you and your kind words ;) thank you aite ! God bless you and your family and have a nice weekend ! HOORAY! :D

Gemaima Abayon commented:

thanks jakub for watching my video post..GOD BLESS YOU..


There is nothing as too muchh fun, life is too short to obey all the rules. Have a AWESOME FRIDAY and a GREAT WEEKEND!!! :)

Gemaima Abayon commented:


Jakub S commented (on 2011-04-01):Thank you for adding me as a friend
Gemaima Abayon commented (on 2011-04-01):your always welcome...take care JAKUB...HOW ARE YOU?
Jakub S commented (on 2011-04-01):I am really good/busy. But that is what makes me happy. You seem like a really positive young lady, I have a feeling you will accomplish much in life
Last Reply: 2011-04-02
Total Replies: 4 (1 more)

Hi Jakub, how you doing? Its been a while hey... anyway, have a good day!

Jakub S commented (on 2011-04-01):That is sweet, thank you. I have been really good but extreamly busy these last few days. Roman and I are finsihing up some last touches we want to add on LifePulp but it is pretty close where we want it now. But undoubtedly it has the best members of ANY social network on the planet. How is your life treating you in South Africa?
commented (on 2011-04-01):As you know life has its ups and downs, but today is a good day so far. SA is the best place to be in the world :D You should really visit here some time in your life. All the best with the final touches, so far so good :D
Last Reply: 2011-04-01
Total Replies: 2
Gemaima Abayon commented:



arindam mukherjee commented:

same to u jakub. see u.


Jakub, how was the weekend? wishing you a wonderful week!

Jakub S commented (on 2011-03-28):Thanks, that is nice of you. Hope everything is going well in your neck of the woods
Last Reply: 2011-03-28
Total Replies: 1
monica eddy commented:

how are you all doing?

Jakub S commented (on 2011-03-27):I am good. Glad you decided to stop by my page and more importantly join us on LifePulp. Great post the other day, I really enjoyed it.
Last Reply: 2011-03-27
Total Replies: 1
jazel bretch commented:

thank you mr Jakub...it was actually just a childish fight, i can't help not to be guilty..but you made me feel a little better..:)

Jakub S commented (on 2011-03-27):Now you just made me feel better by telling me that I made you feel a little better. Glad I could help a little
jazel bretch commented (on 2011-03-27):thank you again..:)
Last Reply: 2011-03-27
Total Replies: 2
Atiya Nurain commented:

Jakub Jakub ! :D thank you for the orange icon on my name XP HAHA :) ohmy ! I'm so honored ! Thank you so much ;) really do appreciate it ;) God bless you always !

Jakub S commented (on 2011-03-25):You more the deserve it
Last Reply: 2011-03-25
Total Replies: 1
Grace Marie A commented:

Thank you for your nicve words...

Atiya Nurain commented:

hey ! HAHA XD love them , huh ? Hope you enjoy it Jakub :D

JOY to the world commented:

Thanks Jakub. Affirmation is the best way of inspiring people.


ThAnK yOu JaKuB :)

Have a beautiful day!!!

Amie Gases commented:

tnx jakub. u've jz been pulped. hehehe... ^_^


Im glad to know - beyond the quote - brightened up your day, atleast now I know my work is done :)

Chef Zul Madinil commented:

Thanks Jakup... :)

Marina V commented:

good to be good filling better

gemma abucejo commented:

yes very true enjoying my life more each day...

Michelle Middleton commented:

Draw strength from HIM when u are weak - Courage when u are discouraged - Inspiration when u are despondent.

Jessica Poirier commented:

haha thats a good one!

JOY to the world commented:


Jessica Poirier commented:

thank you! That Means a lot :) I enjoy reading your posts as well !


Hi Jakub, how you doing?

Mary Grace Bituin commented:


puriza gabrillo commented:

hi jakub....its my pleasure..thanks

ELIJAH NJAGI commented:

am greatifull

jhoy d'hEarTbReAkEr commented:

tnx 4 subscribing !!

NOOR NURH commented:

yah life is full of ups & downs,,,,,,,remember no problem has longer life span

Fer Morrison commented:

Hey Jakub! thanks for subscribing on my profile

Dida Nadira commented:

hi, Jakub,,, thankz for pulp'd me :D

Mayflor Gogo Sanoria commented:

thnx for subscribe in my profile ...jacub..Godbless

Mayflor Gogo Sanoria commented:


Domineer Jeff commented:

Jakub, u're the first to subcribe on my profile...so i'm giving back by visiting your's, cool man!

Deepti Pant commented:


Stephanie Reid commented:

Aww, thank you so much Jakub! It is so good to be back! I missed you guys! Your posts brighten quite a few days also! Hope all is well! Have a great day!

Fer Morrison commented:

Jakub thanks for subscribe in my profile :)
Good luck!

Te B commented:

Hello Jakub


I guess I should say thank you, but if you think the one is better than the other i guess that's ok! Thank you Jakub, i guess i do agree with you..


Some people may take advantage of that, the smiling person you are :) ! You just need to know when to get serious, but there is absolutely nothing wrong with having a smile 24/7. It brightens up someone's day when they see you..

I work for a medi-clinic hospital, in the field of Physiotherapy administraion.. It's quite interesing to hear that you work with Roman. I just know that it will be a success!!! So far it is. All the best!


Thanks, i like it myself, when I came across it, i thought it was so cool, and thought I just had to share it with all here at Lifepulp!! Neat idea.May I ask what you do for a living?


That was so sweet of you to say. THANK YOU, IT JUST MADE MY DAY, u to kind. I hope you have a wonderful day!


Wow, that sounded like a compliment!! Thanks :)my pleasure, glad you appreciate it.

rebekah salar commented:

thanks for the pulps :)

rebekah salar commented:

and im glad that you liked it :)

rebekah salar commented:

thanks for the pulp :)


i dont wana give away my secrets but someday I might let you in on it, just not yet.... someday ;)enjoy reading, i get much joy out it.

rebekah salar commented:

thanks for subscribing :)


my own computer thing :( i will make a plan to view it (u got me so interested)(just gona snatch someone else's pc quick)now back!


i have trouble viewing that video :( i would still love to see it. do you have any other suggestions??


It = exponential HAPPINESS + INFINITY!!!!

april perez commented:

thank you. :)

priyam s commented:

you get what you give so act wise and always have a helping nature

Mel Tom commented:


Jean L commented:

thank u all guys..... more and more friends on Lifepulp:)... so exciting and enjoying clicking in this site...

dyah ayu commented:


Philistinee Llamoure commented:

thank you!!

Chevylya Salikin commented:

Thanks for commenting on my posts... glad you enjoy the quotes I posted.

Sanjay Devani commented:

" Your big opportunity may be right where you are standing right now."

Monica Michelle commented:

Thank you .. :)

Mubarak Said commented:

Thank you for nice comment.

Atiya Nurain commented:

Hey there ! :) how are you ? Btw, thank you for your kind words. To be honest, it is impossible to be away from LIfePulp and the people that join this site. Its like a new addict site XP NO more addict to Facebook XD And I give a lot of thoughts about LifePulp and my life. I mean, if you are sick, I bet this is like the place where at least you can do something good, you can inspire other people, right ? So, no matter what, my heart, my soul, will be here. Its a good place. No scandal like blackmails, virus, or any malicious links pop-up out of nowhere. *LOL :D hope it wont come out once I say it out here XP Again, thank you for your kindness. You're such a kind and caring person. God bless you always. Take care. much love ♥

Maria Ardi Baguio commented:

hi Jacob, wazz up?


Thx for your comment, i wish i could've taken the credit for that story tho, but no, I love short stories, glad you like them too...


Thank you for your kind words :) xxx you just made my day by saying that. Lets both keep it up and continue to spread words of wisdom :) & quotes to live by, it keeps me going.

Atiya Nurain commented:

hi! :) how are you ? :) anyway, I'm glad that you enjoy reading it. and you too, keep it up, don't stop posting. Take care. *much love, hugs & kisses ;)


Interesting story behind that profile pic!

Jakub S commented:

thanks, this is right after the Pacaya Volcano erupted in Guatemala.

Andreas Ekandjo commented (on 2011-11-02):thats is a wonderfull place for such pictures and you also took nise pose.......I like it
Last Reply: 2011-11-02
Total Replies: 1
Andres Pozo commented:

Love the profile pic, that is insane!!!

Jakub S

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There is no place like home


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